6 day gym workout schedule

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6 day gym workout schedule

Day 1 — Full Body

1.Pushups, three sets of 10-15 repetitions (if required, on the knees).


One of the most simple and adaptable workouts in the fitness industry are push-ups. They can be done almost anyplace, don’t require any special equipment, and provide a wealth of advantages for people of all fitness levels. Push-ups should be a part of your regimen whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or are only beginning your path to a better living.

The Anatomy of a Push-Up:

A push-up might seem simple at first glance, but it engages a variety of muscle groups, making it a full-body workout. The primary muscles targeted include the chest (pectoralis major), shoulders (deltoids), and triceps. However, push-ups also engage the core, back muscles, and even the legs to maintain stability and balance.

Benefits of pushups include:

  • Push-ups are a bodyweight workout that are great for building chest, shoulders, and triceps strength. Elevating your feet or increasing resistance can make the exercise harder as you get stronger and advance.
  • Performing push-ups correctly helps excellent posture by strengthening the muscles that support it.
  • Your core muscles are worked during a push-up to keep you stable throughout the movement. Enhancing core stability and strength is beneficial for enhancing overall functional fitness.

2.Lat pulldowns 3 sets of 10 -12 repetitions.

Lat pulldown

One of the foundational exercises in any fitness regimen for developing a symmetrical and powerful upper body is the lat pulldown. Targeting the latissimus dorsi muscles, commonly referred to as the "lats," this exercise not only contributes to an aesthetic V-shaped back butalso enhances overall upper body strength and stability. 

Benefits of Lat Pulldowns

Muscle development: 

  • The lat pulldown is a great substitute for pull-ups because it enables people to develop the strength required to complete bodyweight pull-ups. It’s quite good in developing and defining the lats, giving you the desired V-shaped back.


  • Lat pulldowns can be adjusted to accommodate various levels of fitness. You may target different muscle groups in the back and arms by altering the weight on the machine and utilizing a variety of grips, including wide, narrow, overhand, and underhand.

Assistance and Progression:

  • The lat pulldown provides a more controlled and manageable way to activate the same muscles as pull-ups for beginners or people with low upper body strength. People can gradually lessen the weight and work toward pulling up by themselves as their strength improves.
  • Your ability to stand more upright can be considerably improved by strengthening the muscles in your upper back. The rhomboids and trapezius muscles work incredibly hard to keep your shoulders back and your spine straight while you perform lat pulldowns.
  • Injury avoidance You appear better and are more stable overall when you have a strong back and shoulders. Many injuries brought on by poor posture and weak back muscles can be prevented by strengthening these muscles.

3. Dumbbell Curl — 3 set of 12–15 repetitions

Dumbbell Curl

Benefits of the Dumble Curl:

Bicep Isolation: 

  • The Dumble Curl's neutral grip isolates the biceps brachii muscle, helping it to contract more effectively. This isolation is particularly beneficial for those looking to target and build the biceps.

Forearm Engagement:

  • Due to the neutral grip, the Dumble Curl engages the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles of the forearms. Strengthening these muscles not only contributes to a balanced forearm development but also aids in grip strength.

Variation and Muscle Confusion:

  • Introducing the Dumble Curl into your routine adds variety to your workout, which can prevent plateaus and stimulate muscle growth through a principle called muscle confusion

Functional Strength: 

  • The Dumble Curl’s grip closely mimics everyday activities that involve gripping, such as carrying grocery bags or using tools. This can translate to improved functional strength in daily tasks.

4. Squats 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.


Squatting, a fundamental strength-training activity, has several advantages for both your physical and overall health. Here is a quick rundown of squats and their benefits:


The lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps are predominantly strengthened by this compound exercise. They include keeping your back straight and your chest high while bending your knees and hips.

Squat benefits include:

Lower body strength:

  • Squats are a powerful exercise for developing lower body strength.
  • Large muscle groups are worked, which helps you build powerful legs, toned glutes, and a strong lower back.
  • Squats are a form of functional fitness since they simulate actions like standing up and sitting down that occur every day. They are an essential workout for boosting mobility and functional fitness as a result.
  • Squatting helps you improve your balance and stability since you use a variety of stabilizing muscles throughout the activity.

Increases Muscle Mass:

  • Squats are an effective muscle-building workout that can boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Enhances Core Strength:

  • Squats require core activation to maintain appropriate technique. Squats therefore result in a stronger.

5.Leg curls: three sets of 12-15 repetitions

The hamstring muscles on the back of the thigh are the main target of the common resistance training exercise known as the leg curl. In order to lift a weight or resistance against the lower legs during this activity, the knee joint must be flexed. The following are some major advantages of integrating leg curls in your exercise regimen:

Leg curls primarily work the hamstring muscles, which contributes to the development of thigh strength in the back. For many functional actions, including walking, jogging, and bending at the hips, strong hamstrings are necessary.

Balanced Muscle Development:

  • Through workouts like squats and lunges, many people concentrate on the front of their legs (quadriceps). Leg curls target the posterior chain, which can lessen the possibility of muscular imbalances and injuries while balancing the growth of your leg muscles.

Strengthened Hamstrings:

  • Strong hamstrings are essential for improving knee stability. For athletes and people with knee problems in particular, strengthening these muscles will improve knee joint stability.

Injury Prevention:

  • A well-rounded leg workout that includes leg curls can help prevent common lower body injuries, such as hamstring strains. Strong hamstrings are better able to absorb force and support the knee and hip joints during physical activities.

Enhanced Athletic Performance:

  • Leg curls can improve your athletic performance, especially in activities like sprinting, jumping, and change of direction movements. Powerful hamstrings can generate more force and speed, contributing to better overall athletic capabilities.

Isolation of Target Muscles:

  • Leg curl machines provide a controlled environment for targeting the hamstrings, allowing you to isolate and work on these muscles effectively. This isolation can help you maximize muscle engagement and growth.

6.Holding a plank for 30-60 sec Plank


One of the best exercises for building a strong and tight core is the plank.The plank is a versatile and effective exercise that improves posture, stability, and core strength while working a number of muscle groups. 

Due to its seeming simplicity, it is sometimes overlooked. With just a few minutes per day of devotion, including the plank exercise to your routine can offer astonishing results whether you're new to exercising or a fitness enthusiast.

Health Benefits of the Plank Position

Core Strength:

  • The plank is well known for its capacity to activate and amplify the muscles of the core, enhancing stability and balance.

Better Posture: 

  • A solid core supports better posture, which eases pressure on the spine and promotes a more wholesome alignment of the body.

Full-Body Engagement: 

  • Although the plank focuses on the core, it also works the shoulders, chest, back, and legs, giving you a complete workout.

Injury Prevention:

  • By increasing general stability and lowering the likelihood of sprains during physical activity, strengthening core muscles can help prevent injuries.

Increased Flexibility: 

  • The plank lengthens and stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, and foot arches, which increases flexibility.
  • Planks may be performed almost anyplace and take only a short amount of time. 

Day 2— Cardio (6- Day)

1. Cycle on a stationary bike for 15-20 minute


In today's sedentary society of convenience, finding effective and fun methods to stay physically active is crucial for maintaining our health and wellness. One such technique that has become very popular is riding while stationary. 

If you're searching for a low-impact workout, a fitness enthusiast, a beginner wishing to start living a better lifestyle, or any other type of person, stationary cycling offers a wide range of advantages that can meet your demands.

What Stationary Cycling Is For:

Cycling stationary is riding a bike in a secure setting, such a gym or the convenience of your own home. This workout strengthens the glutes, calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps in addition to the heart. You might increase metabolism, fortify your heart, and burn more calories by doing this.

Physical Advantages of Stationary Cycling on a Bike

Cycling is a great strategy to increase your heart rate and improve your cardiovascular health. Regular use of a stationary bike can increase blood circulation, strengthen your heart, and lower your risk of heart-related disorders.

Weight loss: 

Cycling is a calorie-burning activity that has a substantial impact on weight loss. Exercises on a stationary bike help you burn calories and maintain a healthy weight because they stimulate the major muscles in your legs, hips, and core


Cycling is mild on the joints, unlike high-impact sports like running. This makes cycling on a stationary bike a great alternative for people with joint pain or ailments like arthritis because it enables them to exercise without increasing pain.

Toning of muscles: 

While stationary cycling, the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, and glutes are particularly worked. Regular cycling sessions can improve the definition of these muscles by toning and strengthening them.

Low harm Risk:

Cycling on a stationary bike carries a very low risk of harm. You don’t have to be concerned about traffic, poor road conditions, or unforeseen obstructions like you would when cycling outdoors. It is therefore a safer choice, especially for individuals who worry about accidents occurring while exercising.

2. Trademill: 20-30 minutes


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has been harder in the quick-paced modern society. An increase in health-related difficulties can be attributed to the culture of convenience and the sedentary character of many occupations. 

In this situation, exercise is essential for maintaining both physical and mental health. fitness on a treadmill is a well-liked fitness technique that has endured the test of time. Regardless of the weather or our time limits, using a treadmill makes it easy to fit cardio exercises into our daily lives.

The Evolution of Treadmill Exercise

Since ancient times, there have been treadmills in some shape or another. The oldest models used human or animal power and were frequently employed for activities other than exercise, such as grinding grain or pumping water. The idea of utilizing treadmills for fitness, however, became more popular in the 20th century. What was once just a basic walking or running mechanism powered by a belt has developed into sophisticated equipment with cutting-edge features like inclination settings, heart rate monitors, and pre-programmed workout routines.

Benefits of Using a Treadmill for Exercise


  • One of its biggest advantages is the ability to exercise on a treadmill. No matter the weather or the time of day, if you have access to a treadmill at home or in the gym, you can work out whenever it's convenient for you.

Controlled Environment: 

  • You can exercise on a treadmill in a controlled setting. By adjusting the speed, incline, and duration of your workouts, you can adjust it to your current level of fitness and your goals. Beginners or those who are recovering from injuries might find this control to be particularly useful.

Cardiovascular Health:

  • Regularly using a treadmill can improve your cardiovascular health greatly. The heart and lungs are repeatedly worked during walking or running, which enhances their efficiency and strengthens the circulatory system.

Weight management: 

  • By burning calories, treadmill workouts help with weight management. Exercise is a useful tool for people trying to lose or maintain weight because the amount of calories burned depends on the type, length, and intensity of the exercise.


  • Compared to outdoor concrete or pavement, treadmills offer a softer surface that can be easier on the joints. Many contemporary treadmills also come equipped with cushioning technologies that lessen impact, making them a good option for anyone with joint problems.

Customizable routines: 

  • Treadmill routines can be modified to meet your fitness level, whether you're a novice or a seasoned athlete. Start out with brisk walking and progressively up the effort by adding sprints, intervals, or incline changes.

3. Exercise for 15–20 minutes on an elliptical machine.

Eliptical machine

Physical activity is more important than ever in the fast-paced lifestyle of today. The elliptical machine is a well-liked piece of cardio equipment that can be found in both homes and gyms. It provides a safe and efficient approach to enhance cardiovascular fitness, increase stamina, and tone muscles. 

Elliptical machine workout can be very beneficial for your body and mind whether you are a fitness enthusiast or are just beginning on your path to wellbeing.

Basics of the Elliptical Machine

An elliptical machine, often known as a cross-trainer, is a form of stationary exercise machine that simulates the motions of running, climbing, and walking while putting less strain on the joints.

Typically, it features two pedals, handlebars for adjusting the upper body's position, and a console for setting the controls. Your feet are responsible for the basic mechanism, which is a continuous, circular motion created by a smooth elliptical path.

Elliptical machines, commonly referred to as cross-trainers, have many advantages for anyone wishing to increase their level of cardiovascular fitness and general well-being.

Following are the top five advantages of utilizing an elliptical machine:

Exercise with Low Impact:

  • Elliptical machines offer a low-impact cardiovascular workout, which is kind to your joints. Running on an elliptical machine lowers the risk of impact-related injuries, making it a better choice for persons with joint problems or those who are recuperating from injuries than running outdoors or on a treadmill.
  • Ellipticals offer a full-body workout since they simultaneously work the upper and lower bodies. You exercise your legs, glutes, quads, hamstrings, chest, back, and arms while you pedal and turn the handles. You can burn more calories and tone several muscle groups by engaging your whole body.

Versatility and Customization:

  • Most elliptical exercisers offer a selection of resistance levels, inclination possibilities, and workout schedules. Users can modify their workouts to meet whatever fitness goals they may have, whether they are to build strength, burn more calories, or increase endurance. To concentrate on particular muscle groups, you can cycle forward or backward as well.

Cardiovascular Benefits:

  • Regular use of an elliptical trainer can improve cardiovascular health significantly. As your heart rate increases, your circulation gets better and your stamina gradually gets stronger.This can improve overall cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and heart disease risk factors.
  • Calorie-burning exercises on an elliptical machine are a fantastic way to lose weight. Continuous resistance exercise will help you lose more weight.

4.Row on a TRX machine
TRX Machine
Suspension straps are used in a versatile piece of training equipment known as a TRX machine to provide a full-body workout for the user. Your body weight serves as resistance, and the amount of difficulty can be changed. 

Fans of functional fitness love TRX training because it increases strength, flexibility, and core stability. It's convenient for exercises at home or in the gym because it's portable and adjustable.

The TRX suspension training system has many advantages for people who want to get fitter and live healthier overall. Using a TRX machine has the following five advantages:

Full-Body Workout:

  • TRX workouts train several muscle groups at once, giving you a thorough full-body workout. Using only one piece of equipment, you can work your upper body, lower body, core, and even perform aerobic exercises.

Adjustable Resistance: 

  • TRX straps are simply adjustable, allowing you to change the angle or position of your body to alter the amount of resistance. It is suitable for people of all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes, due to its adaptability.

Strengthening of the Core: 

  • A number of TRX exercises call for you to steady your body, which engages and fortifies your core muscles. A stronger core can help with posture, injury prevention, and overall functional fitness.

Strengthened Flexibility and Balance:

  • TRX exercises frequently entail a wide range of motion, which can gradually aid to strengthen flexibility. Additionally, the instability caused by the suspension straps compels your body to improve its stability and balance, which enhances your proprioception and overall coordination.
  • TRX systems are portable and versatile since they are small and light, which makes them simple to set up at home, in the gym, or even outside. It's a good choice because you can do a number of workouts with just one piece of equipment, eliminating the need for different machines or weights.

Day — 3 Upper Body

1. Bench press on a flat bench for three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.

Flat Bench Press

The flat bench press is a well-known strength training activity that need to be a part of any serious exercise regimen.As a result of working the muscles in the chest, shoulders, and triceps, this demanding exercise is essential for increasing upper body strength and muscle growth. 

It is crucial to understand the mechanics, benefits, variations, and safety concerns of the flat bench press whether you are a seasoned lifter or a gym rookie in order to maximize your results while reducing the danger of injury.

Flat bench pressing benefits:

Building muscle: 

  • You may build a strong and well-defined chest, shoulders, and triceps by engaging a number of muscle groups with the flat bench press.

Gains in strength: 

  • Since it's a compound exercise, you might lift heavier weights, which leads to improvements in your total strength.

Functional Strength: 

  • The pushing motion of the bench press resembles daily activities requiring upper body strength, such as moving objects.

Upper Body Symmetry:

  • The flat bench press strengthens the chest and shoulders, balancing the upper body.

Increased Metabolism: 

  • Since it is a complex movement, it engages several muscles at once, increasing your calorie expenditure both during and after your workout.

2.Dumbbell rows: 3 sets of 12 repetition each.

Dumbbell Rows

In any training program, dumbbell rows, a tried-and-true and efficient activity, shouldn't be overlooked. This challenging exercise is an effective addition to any strength- and muscle-building regimen because it primarily engages the muscles in your upper back.

Dumbbell rows should be a part of your exercise routine whether you're a beginner or an experienced gym goer aiming to increase your strength and general appearance.

Advantages of Dumble Rows

  • Dumble rows are very effective at increasing back muscle mass.The workout uses a variety of muscular groups, giving the body a well-rounded stimulus for growth and development.
  • Strengthening the upper back muscles helps to improve posture by reducing the consequences of hunching over computers and other workstations. In addition to improving looks, good posture also lessens discomfort and agony.

Enhanced Functional Strength:

  • Dumble Rows are useful for enhancing functional strength since they simulate actual pulling motions. When lifting large objects or competing in sports, this ability can be quite helpful.

Injury Prevention:

  • By giving the muscles surrounding the spine and shoulders more support and stability, strengthening them can help prevent injuries.

3.For the shoulder press, perform 3 sets of 10–12 reps.

Shoulder Press

The shoulder press, commonly referred to as the overhead press, is a well-liked strength-training exercise that works the shoulders and upper body muscles. 

It can be carried out with a variety of tools, such as resistance bands, dumbbells, or barbells. Here are advantages of adding shoulder presses to your exercise regimen:

1. Shoulder Strength:

  • Shoulder pushes primarily target the deltoid muscles, which aid in developing shoulder strength and definition. Both ordinary tasks and sports require strong shoulders.

2. Better Posture:

  • By strengthening the muscles that keep the shoulders back and down, shoulder presses, which concentrate on the upper back muscles of the trapezius and rhomboids, can assist improve posture.

3.Upper Body Stabilization:

  • To do shoulder presses, a number of stabilizer muscles must be engaged, including those in the core and the shoulder-blade region. Overall upper body stability and balance are enhanced by doing this.
  • The complicated workout of shoulder presses increases muscular mass by using a number of different muscle groups. They can therefore aid in boosting total muscle mass and aid in creating an upper body that is more toned and sculpted.

4. Functional Fitness:

  • Shoulder presses build strength that is useful for lifting and moving things overhead in everyday life.Additionally, it can enhance athletic performance in sports like basketball, volleyball, and tennis that call for strong shoulder and arm motions.

4.Bicep curls with three sets of 15 repetition

Biceps curl

Before we dive into the details of biceps curls, let's briefly explore the anatomy of the biceps. The biceps brachii muscle is composed of two heads: the long head and the short head. Both heads originate from different parts of the shoulder blade and join together to insert into the forearm bone (radius). 

This complex structure allows the biceps to perform multiple functions, including flexing the elbow and supinating the forearm (turning it from palm down to palm up).

Advantages of bicep curls:

Increased Arm Size: 

  • Adding muscle mass to the arms is one of the main objectives of biceps curls. Biceps can become bigger and more defined with regular exercise.

Arms that are more powerful: 

  • Biceps curls are excellent for enhancing elbow flexor strength, which is beneficial for both daily activities and other exercises.

Improved Aesthetics: 

  • Strong biceps are a sign of physical health and can help create a more attractive figure.
  • Everyday tasks like lifting objects, carrying groceries, and performing a range of upper body exercises all require strong biceps.

5. Rope Pushdowns: three sets with 12 to 15 repetitions:

Rope Pushdown

A well-liked exercise in the fitness and bodybuilding sectors is the rope pushdown. It focuses mostly on the triceps, which help define and fortify the rear of the upper arms. The following are the top five advantages of including rope pushdowns in your training regimen:

Rope pushdowns are a wonderful approach to isolate your triceps muscles, which will help you physically develop them. The beauty and strength of the arm are both enhanced by well-developed triceps.

Adding Variety to Triceps Training:

Rope pushdowns give your triceps workout some variety. By varying your routines, you can promote muscular growth and avoid reaching plateaus.

Joint-Friendly Movement:

This exercise is usually easy on the shoulder and elbow joints, giving it a safer option for folks who might experience joint stiffness or soreness during other triceps workouts.

Muscle Isolation:

The rope gives a broader range of motion than other triceps exercises, allowing you to fully engage and isolate the triceps and optimizing the efficiency of each repetition.

6.Triple sets of 15 repetitions for the triceps dip.

Triceps Dip

The triceps, shoulders, and chest muscles are the focus of the extremely effective bodyweight exercise known as tricep dips. You have two options for this exercise: parallel bars or a firm surface like a bench or chair. You should include tricep dips in your fitness regimen because they have several advantages.

The Following Are the 5 Advantages of Tricep Dips:

  • By concentrating on the triceps brachii muscles, tricep dips are typically utilized to strengthen and shape the back of your upper arms. Having strong triceps not only makes your arms seem better but also makes your entire upper body stronger.
  • Although tricep dips primarily work the triceps, they also strengthen the shoulders and chest. The resultant effect encourages the development of a balanced upper body.

Strengthens the Upper Body:

  • Tricep dips are a great bodyweight workout for strengthening the upper body. You can more easily complete other compound workouts if you regularly include them in your program.

Enhances Functional Fitness:

  • The strength developed through tricep dips can be used in everyday tasks including pushing, lifting, and even posture correction. Strong triceps are crucial for many functional actions.
  • Tricep dips are versatile and need little equipment, so they can be done practically anyplace. You only need two parallel bars, a solid surface, or even the edge of a strong chair. They are a practical complement to at-home workouts or when you're on the go because of their accessibility.

Day 4 - Rest or Light Activity


Due to its many physical, psychological, and emotional advantages, yoga is an age-old discipline that began in India. A variety of physical positions, breathing exercises, meditation, and awareness activities are used. 

The following  advantages of yoga practice:

  • Yoga poses and stretches incorporate a variety of movements that gradually improve your body's flexibility. You can become more flexible and lower your risk of injury from daily activities by practicing regularly.

Stress reduction:

  • Yoga encourages mindfulness and relaxation via meditation and deep breathing. It is a great tool for coping with the pressures of modern life because it can lower stress and anxiety levels while improving your general sense of wellbeing.
  • Strength and balance are improved since many yoga positions call for you to bear your own weight, which develops muscle strength. Practice of balance poses also enhances stability and coordination.

Improved Mental Clarity:

  • Yoga promotes mental concentration and focus. It can provide you mental clarity, better decision-making skills, and a calmer inner self. Additionally, regular practice can enhance general mental health and reduce the effects of depression.

2.Hip and core activation exercise

Hip and core activation exercise

In order to maintain total physical health and fitness, hip and core activation is essential. The movement and stability of our body are mostly controlled by these two regions, and engaging them has a wealth of advantages.

Hip and core activation advantages:

Better Posture:

  • Engaging the hip and core muscles keeps the spine and pelvis in the correct position. As a result, the likelihood of acquiring persistent back pain and associated problems is decreased.

Enhanced Stability:

  • The basis for stability and balance is a strong core and hip area. Improved stability is essential whether you're a sportsperson striving to succeed or just trying to avoid falls every day.

Injury Prevention:

  • Activating these muscles helps protect your lower back and hips from injury. When properly engaged, they act as shock absorbers, reducing the strain on other joints during physical activities.

Increased Strength and Power:

  • Athletes and fitness enthusiasts benefit from hip and core activation by gaining more power and strength in their movements. This improved strength can lead to better athletic performance and a reduced risk of injury during intense workouts.

3.Light Resistance Training

A common exercise method known as "light resistance training," or LRT, uses moderate amounts of resistance to build strength, endurance, and general fitness. Even while it doesn't need heavy lifting or strong resistance, it still has many benefits for people of all fitness levels.

Following are the four main advantages of including light resistance training in your fitness routine:

Better Muscle Tone:

  • Light resistance training helps define and tone muscles without gaining mass. For people who want to have a sculpted, thin body, it is extremely helpful. By using controlled motions and little resistance, you can isolate specific muscle groups and enhance their definition.

Lower Injury Risk:

  • Compared to intense resistance training, LRT is easier on your joints and connective tissues.

Increased Endurance:

  • High-repetition sets, which are the focus of light resistance training, can enhance muscle endurance. You can perform longer workouts and daily activities with less weariness if you continually put mild resistance into your muscles to challenge them.

Improved Functional Strength:

  • LRT makes it easier to carry out daily duties. Functional strength is one of the benefits. The added strength obtained by LRT can make tasks like lifting groceries, carrying a child, or climbing stairs feel less taxing.

4.Slow Jogging


Slow jogging has grown in popularity as a popular form of running since it is accessible to people of all fitness levels and has several health advantages.

Here are four major advantages of this low-intensity exercise as a refreshing substitute for typical running:

1. Better Cardiovascular Health:

  • Slow jogging increases heart rate gradually, which helps your cardiovascular system progressively get stronger. This can eventually result in better circulation, a lower risk of heart disease, and an improvement in heart health.

2. Lessened Joint Impact:

  • Slow jogging puts very little strain on your joints compared to high-impact exercises like sprinting. This makes it a fantastic option for anyone who have joint problems or who want to protect their joints while still getting the advantages of running.

3. Better Mental Health:

  • Jogging slowly teaches your body to respond to rhythm and its surroundings more quickly. Spending time in nature and getting away from daily problems can reduce stress, improve mood, and even stimulate creativity.

4. Long-Term Weight Management:

  • Jogging is a great weight-management technique since it helps you burn calories gradually and continuously. 

Day 5: Lower body

1. Deadlifts: 3 sets of 8 repetition.


A basic compound exercise with a solid reputation in the strength training community is the deadlift. The deadlift is a true test of strength and endurance because it may develop raw strength and work numerous muscle groups. 

Including the deadlift in your exercise routine, whether you are an expert athlete or a novice lifter, may have a substantial impact on both your physical strength and general health.

Advantages of deadlifting


  • Because deadlifting simultaneously engages so many key muscular groups, it is one of the best exercises for increasing overall strength.

Functional Fitness:

  • The deadlift is a useful exercise for enhancing every-day strength since it simulates real-life actions like pulling up heavy objects.

Body Mass:

  • The enormous loads utilized in deadlifting encourage muscle growth, especially in the muscles of the posterior chain

Core Stabilization:

  • Your core muscles function to keep your spine stable and maintain good posture throughout the lift, which helps to increase core strength.

Bone Density:

  • Exercises that involve carrying weight, such as deadlifts, can assist to enhance bone density, which lowers the risk of osteoporosis.

Hormonal Reaction:

  • Growth hormone and testosterone are released in response to the intensity of deadlifting, which promotes lean muscle growth and fat reduction.

2. Three sets of 10 walking lunges on each leg


Lunges while walking are a popular and efficient workout in the fitness world. They provide many advantages to people of various fitness levels. To perform this exercise, advance into a lunge position and then advance while switching legs.

The top five advantages of including walking lunges in your workout program are as follows:

1. Leg strength:

  • Walking lunges work your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps frequently, strengthening these important muscle groups. Your entire lower body strength may increase as a result, simplifying daily tasks and improving sports performance.

2. Balance and Coordination:

  • As you move one leg forward while maintaining your balance, walking lunges demand balance and coordination. Your proprioception and overall balance are improved, lowering your risk of slips and falls and injuries.

3. Core Engagement:

  • To keep an upright posture while practicing walking lunges, your core muscles must be activated. As a result, your core will get stronger, and your posture and spinal stability will both get better.

4. Vascular and Heart Stability:

  • Walking lunges can increase heart rate and endurance. You might reduce your weight and increase your endurance with this exercise program.

5. Practical fitness:

  • Walking lunges imitate common activities like stepping on curbs and ascending stairs. By performing walking lunges, you can enhance your capacity to carry out these practical motions securely and successfully.

3. Three sets of 12–15 repetitions of leg extension

The quadriceps muscles on the front of the thigh are the main focus of the common strength training exercise known as the leg extension. In this exercise, you sit on a leg extension machine and stretch your legs against resistance.

Here are five advantages of including leg extensions in your exercise program:

1. Development of the quadriceps:

Leg extensions isolate and focus on the quadriceps, effectively toning and strengthening them. This workout is very beneficial for people who want to develop powerful, distinct quads.

2. Knee Stability:

By bolstering the muscles that support and shield the knee, leg extensions can aid to increase knee joint stability. Both sportsmen and people healing from knee ailments can benefit from this.

3.Muscle imbalances:

in the lower body can be treated by leg extensions. By focusing on the quadriceps, which will balance the strength of the quadriceps and hamstrings, they can reduce their risk of injury.

4. Improved athletic performance:

Strong quadriceps are necessary for cycling, running, and jumping. Leg extensions are an excellent approach to increase the overall strength and power of your legs, which could enhance your athletic performance.

5. Injury Prevention:

Especially during workouts that need the knee, strengthening the quadriceps can help prevent injuries. A comprehensive lower-body fitness program aimed at reducing the risk of accidents may benefit from include this activity.

4. Three sets of 12 repetitions on the leg press

Advantages of using a leg press:

Building muscle:

  • The leg press works your hamstrings, glutes, and the quadriceps muscles, which are positioned at the front of your thighs. Increased lower body strength and significant muscle gain can result from using these big muscle groups.


  • The leg press is a machine-based workout that delivers controlled movement patterns, as opposed to other free weight exercises that may place too much stress on your joints. This lowers the chance of getting hurt and is especially helpful for novices who are still perfecting their form.


  • You may target various muscle groups in your legs by using the leg press machine’s adjustable weight and foot location. By varying your foot position, you can target different parts of your lower body, such as your inner or outer thighs, and so provide your lower body a well-rounded workout.

Building Confidence:

  • The leg press machine gives gym newcomers a sense of security as they become used to the facility. You may concentrate on using good form and technique because it is simpler to regulate than free weights.

5. Three sets of 15 reps of calf raises


Benefits of raising calf

Strong calf muscles help enhance the symmetry and balance of your figure. Good-looking calves enhance other muscle groups and contribute to the overall athletic appearance.

Functional Strength:

  • To perform daily activities like running, jumping, and even standing, calf muscles must be strong. Because they provide stability and power during motions, they are essential for maintaining mobility and preventing injuries.

Improved Athletic Performance:

  • Athletes in a number of sports, such as track and field, basketball, and soccer, rely on strong calf muscles for explosive movements and quick changes in direction.

Injury prevention:

  • Weak calf muscles can generate imbalances in the lower body that can lead to knee pain, plantar fasciitis, and Achilles tendonitis. Your calf strength may improve as a result.

6. Jumping Squats: 10 repetitions 3 set.

The Advantages of Jump Squats

Jumping squats have a variety of advantages that raise general athleticism and physical fitness, including:

Explosive Power:

  • When performing the efficient plyometric exercise known as the leaping squat, fast-twitch muscle fibers are stimulated. This explosive movement enhances the body's ability to produce force quickly, which is crucial in sports that need quick bursts of agility and speed.
  • upper body strength
  • The quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves are among the lower body muscles that jumping squats generally target. These muscles work in tandem to support the body during squats and to propel the body higher during jumps.
  • Jumping while doing squats is a great cardiovascular exercise because it increases heart rate. This cardiovascular activity enhances stamina and overall heart health.
  • Squat jumps are challenging.

Day -6 Mix Exercise

1. Push-Up


Push-ups are a classic upper-body exercise that works the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. They can be adapted to various difficulty levels to suit your fitness level.

Sets and Reps:

  • Begin with 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  • Modify the angle or use knee push-ups if needed, and progress to standard push-ups over time.



Pull-ups are a fantastic bodyweight exercise that tone your back, shoulders, and biceps. Consider using a resistance band if you aren't yet able to do a full pull-up. Here's how to perform a pull-up:

  • When you hang from a pull-up bar with your palms facing outward, your hands should be a little wider than shoulder width apart.
  • Lift your body toward the bar while squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Keep your balance and reverse your motion.
For starters, three sets of 5-7 repetitions should be performed, with a pause of 2-3 minutes in between each set.

3. Chest Press With Incline

A key exercise for developing upper chest strength and definition is the incline chest press. It's important to begin with appropriate form when a newbie in the gym and gradually raise the intensity. 

Here is a quick summary:

  • Sit on an inclined bench, keeping your head and back supported.
  • Hold dumbbells or a barbell while maintaining a 90-degree angle at the elbows.
  • As soon as your arms are fully stretched but not locked, lift the weight.
  • Returning the weight to its initial position slowly is important.
Sets total:

Beginners should start with three sets.
Repetition Count (Reps):

Start each set with 8–10 reps.
You can increase the reps to 12–15 every set as you get stronger and more at ease.

4.Vertical Press

The shoulders, triceps, and upper chest are worked out during the overhead press. It's a crucial exercise for strengthening the upper body and stabilizing the shoulders. To lift your arms overhead:

  • Place your feet hip-width apart as you stand.
  • At shoulder height, hold a barbell or dumbbells with your palms facing forward.
  • Make sure your arms are fully extended before pressing the weight overhead.
  • Return the weight to shoulder level.

Beginner Sets & Reps:

Reps: 8–10 Sets: 3

5.Bent-Over Rows

Bent-Over Rows

Bent-over rows are an excellent exercise for developing your upper back, including the latissimus dorsi and rhomboid muscles. They also engage the biceps and lower back.

  • Sets: Begin with 3 sets.
  • Reps: Aim for 8-10 reps per set.

Use a barbell or dumbbells for bent-over rows, and ensure that your back remains straight throughout the movement.

General Tips for Beginners:


  • Always warm up before your workout to prevent injuries. Spend 5-10 minutes on light cardio or dynamic stretches.

Proper Form:

  • Prioritize proper form over heavy weights. Good form reduces the risk of injury and maximizes muscle engagement.


  • Allow adequate rest between sets (typically 1-2 minutes) to recover and perform your best in each set.


  • Gradually increase the weight, reps, or intensity of your exercises as you become more comfortable and confident.

Consult a Trainer:

  • If possible, consider working with a certified personal trainer, especially when starting out, to receive personalized guidance and ensure you're performing exercises correctly.

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