Back exercises Plan for Beginners Week 3

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"Transform Your Back: Week 3's Ultimate Guide to Beginner-Friendly Gym Workouts!"


Welcome to Week 3 of your fitness program. This week, we'll explore the transformational world of back exercises. A well-developed back not only improves physical attractiveness but also plays a crucial part in total functional fitness as the foundation of a strong and resilient physique. The third week of your program is an important one, as we carefully target the complex back muscles to enhance strength, stability, and posture.

In order to promote a balanced musculature, our carefully selected back exercises target the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, traps, and erector spinae. This week's workout plan combines traditional compound exercises like deadlifts with focused isolation exercises like lat pulldowns to test and improve your level of fitness. Accept the challenge, experience the pain, and observe the transformation.

Brief Recap (Week 2 )

Week 2 was all about giving our backs some serious love! 
  • We hit the lat muscles hard with Lat Pulldowns, using that cable machine to pull the bar down to our chest. It's like giving your lats a wake-up call, right?
  • Then we moved on to Dumbbell Rows, where we grabbed some weights and pulled them to our hip, one arm at a time. It's like saying, "Hey muscles, let's dance!"
  • Bodyweight Rows were next, using our own body as resistance. Who knew you could get such a killer back exercises just hanging around?
  • Deadlifts joined the party, making sure to keep that back straight and lift with those powerful hamstrings and glutes. Talk about a total body exercise!
  • Back Extensions were like the dessert of the week, focusing on that lower back. Arching and extending, we gave our spines a nice stretch and workout.
  • And of course, we couldn't forget the classic Pull-Up. Whether you're a pro or working on your first one, Pull-Ups are like the badge of honor for a strong back.
So, that was week 2—pulling, lifting, and extending our way to a stronger, more sculpted back.

Importance of Back Exercises

1.Posture Perfection:

  • Perfect posture is encouraged by strengthening the back muscles, particularly the erector spinae. This aids in preserving the spine's natural curve and avoids slumping or rounded shoulders.

2.Injury prevention: 

  • The spine and associated components are naturally supported by a strong back. By supplying stability and resilience during diverse physical activities, this lowers the chance of injuries, especially to the lower back.

3. Functional Fitness: 

  • General functional fitness is enhanced by back exercises. A strong back supports daily movements like lifting, twisting, and bending, making them easier to perform and less taxing on other muscular groups.

4. Aesthetic Appeal: 

  • Having well-defined back muscles substantially enhances the appearance of a beautiful physique. Enhancing the back's strength additionally enhances its overall muscular growth and symmetry.

5.Core Connection: 

  • The muscles of the core are closely linked to the back. A strong foundation for general strength and athleticism is formed by strengthening the back and core.

6. Increased Flexibility: 

  • Back workouts frequently incorporate stretches to increase range of motion and lessen muscle stiffness. This versatility leads to improved performance in a range of physical activities.

7. Pain Alleviation: 

  • By strengthening muscles and improving spinal alignment, regular back workouts help lower the intensity of pre-existing back pain. It is a successful, non-invasive method for controlling and avoiding persistent back problems.

8. Improved Respiratory Function: 

  • Respiratory function is influenced by the back muscles. Enhancing lung capacity and respiratory efficiency through muscle building can benefit general health.

Back Exercises for Beginners


Among back exercises, the deadlift is a classic powerhouse that demonstrates both raw strength and functional fitness. This compound exercise works a variety of muscular groups, but it mostly works the lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and core. The deadlift is a type of exercise that requires perfect muscle coordination because it involves lifting a loaded barbell from the floor to a standing position. 

In addition to strengthening muscles, this exercise improves overall posture and stability of the spine. The deadlift is highly regarded for its practicality in real life, as it can be used to precisely and powerfully lift large objects off the ground, in addition to its capacity to develop a strong posterior chain. Treat this exercise with respect because it is a fundamental component of any thorough strength training program because it not only strengthens the body but also develops mental toughness.

Benefits of deadlifting

1. Complete Activation

  • The complex workout known as a deadlift targets multiple muscle groups, such as the grip, hamstrings, glutes, lower and upper back, and core. It's an excellent option for those who want to get the most out of their workout in the shortest period of time because it works every region of the body.

2. Power and Strength:

  • The best exercise for developing raw strength and power is the deadlift. Due to the movement pattern being used, which closely resembles daily tasks, this workout is both effective and useful in everyday life.

3. Posterior Chain Development: 

  • The posterior chain, a group of muscles that run along the back of the body, is heavily used during deadlifts. This prevents injuries and imbalances while also maintaining the body's tone.

4. Enhances Metabolism: 

  • The difficult, multi-joint exercise known as the deadlift generates growth hormone, which is necessary for fat metabolism as well as muscular growth. For this reason, deadlifts are an excellent addition to any program designed to increase muscle mass or reduce body fat.

How to Deadlift: Step-by-Step Guide:


  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward.
  • The barbell should be positioned over the middle of your feet.
  • Bend at your hips and knees to lower your body, keeping your back straight and chest up.


  • Grab the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  • Options include double overhand, mixed (one palm facing you, one away), or hook grip for advanced lifters.


  • The posterior chain, a group of muscles that run down the back of the body, is heavily utilized during deadlifts. This protects against injuries and imbalances in addition to maintaining a toned physique.

4.Increases Metabolism: 

  • Growth hormone, which is necessary for both muscle growth and fat metabolism, is produced during the difficult, multi-joint exercise known as the deadlift. This makes deadlifts an excellent addition to any program for increasing muscle mass or reducing body fat.

Sets and Reps:


  • Start with three sets of eight to ten repetitions.
  • Focus on achieving the best form possible before adding weight.


  • Afterward, perform 4 sets of 6–8 repetitions.
  • Maintaining proper form while progressively increasing the weight.


  • Your target is 5 sets of 4-6 repetitions.
  • To increase difficulty, occasionally incorporate variations like deficit or sumo deadlifts.

2.Yates Row

Yates Row, a quintessential back exercise, pays homage to the legendary bodybuilder Dorian Yates, renowned for his impeccable physique. This challenging rowing variation targets the middle and lower trapezius, rhomboids, and lats with surgical precision. To embark on the Yates Row journey, one grasps the barbell with a pronated grip, slightly narrower than shoulder width, and adopts a hip-hinged position. 

What sets this exercise apart is the restricted range of motion, ensuring constant tension on the muscles throughout the movement. As the barbell gracefully skims the lower abdomen, the back muscles engage in a symphony of strength. Not merely an exercise, but a testament to meticulous form and dedication, the Yates Row stands as a stalwart pillar in the realm of back development, inviting fitness enthusiasts to sculpt a back worthy of admiration.

Why Yates Row?

Yates Rows have gained prominence due to their ability to specifically target the muscles of the upper back, particularly the lats. Dorian Yates, a six-time Mr. Olympia, incorporated this exercise into his training regimen to develop a thick and powerful back, contributing to his unparalleled success in bodybuilding.

Benefits of Yates Rows:

1.Targeted Muscle Engagement:

  • The primary muscles worked during Yates Rows are the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, traps, and rear deltoids. This targeted engagement helps in building a well-developed and aesthetically pleasing back.

2.Muscle activation is increased:

  • Yates Rows offer a wider range of motion than conventional barbell rows, which increases muscular activation. This improved activation promotes the development of muscular mass and strength.

3.Reduced Stress on the lower back

  • Traditional barbell rows can occasionally place too much strain on the lower back because of the supine position. With a slight torso tilt, Yates Rows, on the other hand, stimulate the upper back muscles while putting less strain on the lumbar spine.

4.Enhanced grip power

  • Yates Rows are an overhand grip exercise that helps build grip strength. For many lifts, a firm grip is necessary, and it also improves overall lifting performance.

How to Perform Yates Rows:


  • Approach a barbell that is either on the ground or on a rack.
  • Utilize an overhand grip that is little wider than shoulder width.


  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart as you stand.
  • For stability, keep your knees slightly bent.

3.Torso placement:

  • Lean forward while maintaining your back straight and chest high as you hinge at your hips.
  • Keep your lower back's natural arch in place.


  • Your shoulder blades will retract as you pull the barbell towards your lower chest.
  • As the movement comes to a close, tighten your back muscles.
  • Controlled lowering of the barbell to the starting position.

Sets and Reps:

For beginners: 

  • Start with 3 sets of 8-10 reps to establish form and build a foundation.

For intermediate to advanced lifters: 

Aim for 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps, progressively increasing weight as strength improves.

3.Lat pulldown

The Lat Pulldown, a cornerstone of back exercises, is a dynamic exercise designed to target the latissimus dorsi muscles, commonly known as the "lats." This compound movement involves a cable machine equipped with a pulldown bar, allowing you to engage and strengthen the muscles of your upper back. 

As you smoothly pull the bar down towards your chest, your lats are activated, promoting muscle growth and enhancing overall back definition. Proper form is crucial for maximizing benefits and preventing injury; maintaining a straight posture and controlled movements ensures optimal engagement of the targeted muscles. 

The Lat Pulldown is versatile, accommodating various grip positions to emphasize different areas of the back, making it a fundamental and adaptable exercise for anyone looking to build a strong, well-defined back.

Why is a lat pulldown included in your list?

1. Targeted Lat Development: 

  • The lat pulldown is a well-known exercise that is used to build and isolate the lat muscles. A well-defined and powerful back not only enhances beauty but also helps with general strength and posture.

2. Versatility: 

  • Among the many advantages of the lat pulldown is its adaptability. Whether you're a beginner or an expert lifter, you may modify the workout to meet your level of fitness by adjusting the weight, grip, and form.

3.Compound Movement: 

  • Lat pulldowns are a compound exercise that primarily target the lats while also working the biceps, rhomboids, and traps. Because of this, it is a time-effective option for people who want to engage several muscle groups simultaneously.

Benefits of Lat Pulldowns:

Muscle Definition: 

  • Regular inclusion of lat pulldowns in your workout routine can lead to well-defined and sculpted lats, contributing to a V-shaped torso.

Improved Posture: 

  • Strengthening the back muscles, especially the lats, plays a pivotal role in maintaining good posture. This is crucial for overall spine health and injury prevention.

Increased Grip Strength: 

  • The lat pulldown requires a strong grip, leading to improved grip strength over time. This can have positive effects on various other exercises and daily activities.

Versatile Grip Options: 

  • The exercise allows for various grip options, such as wide grip, reverse grip, and close grip, targeting different parts of the back and arms for a well-rounded workout.

How to Perform Lat Pulldowns:

1.Set Up the Machine: 

  • Set up the machine by adjusting the seat height and knee pad so that the cable is properly aligned. Pick a weight that is appropriate for your level of fitness.

2.Grip the Bar: 

  • Targeting the lats requires a wide, overhand grip on the bar. Your hands should be spaced somewhat farther apart than shoulder width.

3.Posture is Key: 

  • Posture is important Maintain a straight back, a raised chest, and relaxed shoulders when you sit down. To keep yourself stable, contract your core.

4.Initiate the Pull: 

  • Start the pull by raising your elbows to your sides and bringing the bar down smoothly toward your chest. Instead of focusing exclusively on your arms, concentrate on engaging your back muscles.

5.Controlled Release: 

  • Fully extend your arms while you slowly and deliberately let the bar return to its starting position.

Recommended Sets and Reps:


  • Start with 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions, focusing on mastering the form and gradually increasing weight.


  • Aim for 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions, challenging yourself with moderate to heavy weights.


  • Incorporate variations and intensify the workout with 4-5 sets of 12-15 repetitions, ensuring proper form and control.

4.Good morning

Good morning, fitness enthusiasts! Rise and shine as we dive into the invigorating world of back exercises. Just like a new day brings freshness to our lives, a well-toned back revitalizes our overall strength and posture. The "Good Morning" exercise is a key player in this transformative journey. As we greet the day with enthusiasm, let's extend that energy to our backs, fostering resilience and power.

Good mornings are not just a greeting; they are a commitment to nurturing the often-neglected muscles that support our spine. This exercise, akin to a morning stretch for your back, targets the posterior chain, promoting stability and preventing discomfort. So, whether you're a fitness aficionado or a newcomer to the world of exercise, embrace the dawn with Good Mornings to sculpt a resilient, powerful back that supports you throughout the day. Let the journey to a healthier, stronger you begin with the refreshing embrace of Good Morning back exercises!

Why Good Morning for Back Exercises?

1.Targeted Back Engagement: 

  • The posterior chain, which is made up of the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings, is the main target of the "Good Morning" compound movement. Consequently, it is a great solution for anyone seeking to tone and improve their back muscles.

2.Functional Fitness: 

  • The Good Morning improves your functional fitness by simulating a typical everyday movement—bending forward. You become more prepared for daily duties and less prone to mishaps by exerting more weight on the muscles used in this motion.


  • Good Mornings can be modified to suit individuals with different levels of fitness. Whether you're a novice or an expert, this workout can be customized simply changing the weight and intensity, giving it a flexible option for everyone.

Good Morning Exercise Advantages:

1.Back Strength and Stability: 

  • By concentrating primarily on the posterior chain, a strong and stable back can be developed. For keeping excellent posture, avoiding back discomfort, and promoting general spine health, this is essential.

2.Better Posture: 

  • Including Good Mornings in your fitness program on a regular basis can help with posture. By making your back muscles stronger, you may stand taller and lower your chance of slouching or hunching.

3.Enhanced Athletic Performance: 

  • The explosive power produced during the hip hinge motion of "Good Mornings" can be very helpful to athletes. This may lead to better results in sports that call for power and quickness.

Recommended Sets and Reps:

  • Beginners: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Intermediate: 3 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 15-20 reps

5.Landmine One-Arm Row

A powerful and dynamic back exercise that will dramatically change your training regimen is the Landmine One-Arm Row. Among the muscles worked by this combo workout are your lats, rhomboids, and traps. Additionally, it fortifies your core for stability. 

Using a landmine attachment, the unconventional arrangement twists traditional one-arm rows. By anchoring one end of the barbell, you may pivot it into a natural, flowing range of motion. This increases muscle engagement and lessens tension on the lower back.

Treating imbalances in your muscles and strengthening your unilateral strength, feel the isolation in your back muscles as you draw the weight towards you and hinge at the hips. The Landmine One-Arm Row is a versatile back workout.

The One-Arm Row Landmine: Why is it there?

The Landmine One-Arm Row is a special exercise that works the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and traps in the upper back.  Due to its ability to relieve lower back stress, this exercise is safer for people who have back problems.

The benefits of the Landmine One-Arm Row

1. Muscular Isolation and Targeting: 

  • By improving muscular isolation, this exercise makes sure that every repetition efficiently targets the back muscles while minimizing wasteful effort on other body areas.

2. Core Engagement: 

  • This exercise enhances your general stability and strengthens your core by using rotation to stimulate your core muscles.

3.Reduced Lower Back Stress: 

  • Unlike some traditional rowing exercises, the Landmine One-Arm Row puts less stress on the lower back, making it a suitable choice for those with lower back concerns.

4.Improved Posture: 

  • Regular incorporation of this exercise can contribute to better posture by strengthening the muscles that support the spine.

How to Perform the Landmine One-Arm Row:

Set up the Barbell: 

  • To provide a fixed pivot point, clip a barbell to a corner or place one end into a landmine attachment.

Weight Adjustment: 

  • Fill the free end of the barbell with a sufficient weight according on your level of fitness.
  • Face the barbell directly while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the free end of the barbell in your outer hand.
  • Pull the barbell up while keeping your back straight and your abs taut. During the exercise's apex, focus on fusing your shoulder blades together.

Controlled Descent: 

  • Lower the barbell gently and with care while keeping your form in check.

Sets and Repetitions: 

  • Include the Landmine One-Arm Row in your back exercise regimen with 3–4 sets of 8–12 repetitions for each arm for best results. As your strength increases, progressively increase the weight you are starting with.

6.Incline Dumbbell Row

Among back workouts, the Incline Dumbbell Row is a beast because it skillfully combines simplicity and efficacy. This exercise works your lats and rhomboids, the muscles in your upper back, as you lie back on an inclined bench. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and bring the weights toward your hips with a deliberate rowing motion. 

This intense workout targets the sometimes-ignored rear deltoids while enhancing strength and symmetry. Your back muscles will contract harder with each repetition since the inclined position allows for maximum range of motion. Apart from its contouring properties, the Incline Dumbbell Row improves functional strength, which is good for posture and stability. 

It's a flexible addition to any back exercise program because you may adjust the weight gradually to accommodate a variety of fitness and ability levels. Include this exercise in your program to build a strong, well-balanced back.

Why Do Dumbbell Rows Have an Incline?

1. Engaging Particular Muscles: 

  • Using an inclined bench, the Incline Dumbbell Row is a variant on the traditional dumbbell row exercise. This small elevation improves range of motion and primarily works the two muscles of the upper back, the rhomboids and lats.

2. Flexibility 

  • Try the Incline Dumbbell Row if you want to get better at lifting weights, building muscle, and maintaining proper posture. It's a flexible exercise program that supports the accomplishment of numerous fitness objectives.

3.Reduced Lower Back Strain: 

  • Unlike some back exercises that may strain the lower back, the incline position in this row minimizes stress on the lumbar spine, making it a safer option for individuals with lower back concerns.

Benefits of Incline Dumbbell Rows:

1.Muscle Development: 

  • The primary benefit lies in the significant development of the upper back muscles. The exercise engages the lats, traps, and rhomboids, contributing to a well-defined and strong back.

2.Improved Posture: 

  • Strengthening the upper back muscles is key to maintaining good posture. Incline Dumbbell Rows help counteract the effects of slouching, promoting a more upright and confident stance.

3.Enhanced Stability: 

  • Balancing on an inclined bench demands increased core engagement, leading to improved overall stability and coordination.

How to Perform Incline Dumbbell Rows:


  • A 45-degree angle should be used when building an inclined bench. On each side, a dumbbell should be present.


  • With your hands facing each other and a dumbbell in each hand, lie face down on the incline bench.


  • Pull the dumbbells in the direction of your hips while keeping your back straight and pressing forcefully into the bench. As the exercise's peak nears, tighten your shoulder blades together.

4.Controlled Descent: 

  • As you lower the dumbbells back to their starting position, maintain control the entire time. Inhale.

Sets and reps that are advised:


  • Begin with three sets of 8–10 repetitions using a medium weight.


  • Aim for 4 sets of 10–12 reps, progressively adding weight as you advance.


  • Push yourself with five sets of 12–15 repetitions, concentrating on form and the mind–muscle connection.


The cornerstone of back exercises, chin-ups are a dynamic and adaptable exercise that works both the upper and lower bodies. By focusing largely on the latissimus dorsi, this compound action helps to develop a broad and defined back. Grab an overhead bar, lift your body with determination, working your lats, biceps, and core at the same time. 

Chin-ups are an essential part of every exercise routine since they enhance functional strength and posture. Learning how to do chin-ups improves general upper body strength, developing a sturdy physique and a confident posture, whether you're a beginner or a fitness enthusiast.

Why the Chin-Up?

The chin-up is a well-known difficult exercise that simultaneously strengthens several muscle groups and is a great option for developing the back. By concentrating on the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, traps, and biceps, the chin-up provides a comprehensive approach for building a strong and sculpted back.

Benefits of Chin-Ups:

1.Muscle Engagement: 

  • Chin-ups stimulate a variety of muscles at once, providing your back a thorough and balanced workout.

2.Functional Strength: 

  • By simulating daily activities, the movement improves total functional strength.


  • By varying the width of the hold, you can target different parts of the back with chin-ups.

4.Core Activation: 

  • Your core muscles will be engaged if you maintain a steady posture during the workout, which will increase

5. Strengthened Grip: 

  • Regular practice of chin-ups helps to improve the grip, which is useful for many daily tasks and other weightlifting exercises.

Instructions for Chin-Ups:


  • Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, palms facing inward, on the pull-up bar.


  • Begin hanging with your back straight, shoulders engaged, and arms fully extended.


  • To start, tuck your elbows close to your body and bring your chest toward the bar.

4.Top Position: 

  • Continue pressing until your chin has passed the bar and your upper chest touches it or is just a few inches away from it.


  • Lower yourself in a controlled manner back to the starting position.

Recommended Sets and Reps:


  • Start with 3 sets of 5-8 reps, focusing on perfecting your form.


  • Progress to 4 sets of 8-12 reps, gradually increasing intensity.


  • Challenge yourself with 5 sets of 12-15 reps or incorporate weighted chin-ups for added resistance.

Weekly Progression:

Starting a fitness journey is a noble decision, and the magic of slow improvement is the secret to long-term success. As you remain dedicated to your workouts, you'll gradually see revolutionary changes in both your physical appearance and thinking. Let's explore the fundamentals of weekly progression:

1.Construction of Foundations (Weeks 1-2)

  • Start out slowly to create a strong foundation. Instead of pushing too hard too quickly, concentrate on form and consistency. Establish the foundation for future profits.

2.Expanding Your Comfort Zone (Week 3):

  • You ought should settle into your routine by the third week. Exercises that at first seemed difficult are becoming more comfortable. This should prompt you to think about venturing outside of your comfort zone.

3.Listening to Your Body (Week 4):

  • Pay attention to how your body responds. If you're feeling more comfortable, it's a green light to explore incremental increases in weights or intensity. Trust your progress.

4.Celebrating Small Wins (Week 5-6):

  • Acknowledge and celebrate the small victories. Whether it's an extra repetition, added resistance, or increased endurance, these milestones are signs of your hard work paying off.

5.Fine-Tuning (Week 7-8):

  • Use the next couple of weeks to fine-tune your routine. Assess what works best for you, tweak your exercises, and consider consulting a fitness professional for guidance.

6.Setting New Goals (Week 9 and Beyond):

  • As you approach the tenth week, take a moment to reflect on your journey. Set new goals that align with your evolving fitness level. This continuous cycle of setting, achieving, and reassessing is the secret to long-term success.

Motivational Closing:

As you conclude your back exercises, remember this: every rep, every set, every ounce of effort you put in is a step towards a stronger, healthier you. Progress may seem slow, but each small achievement is a victory. Consistency is the key—trust the process, embrace the journey. Celebrate every milestone, no matter how minor, for they pave the way to greatness. Your back is a powerhouse waiting to be unleashed—keep pushing, stay dedicated, and revel in your journey to a stronger, more resilient you!

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