biceps workout for Gym beginners Week 4

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"Week 4 Pump-Up Plan for Gym New Begginers!"


Welcome to Week 4 of your gym journey! By now, you've built a solid fitness foundation, and it's time to sculpt those arms with a focus on biceps. Biceps workouts aren't just about aesthetics; they enhance functional strength for everyday tasks. This week's regimen combines classic exercises like bicep curls and hammer curls with variations to keep your muscles challenged. 

Progressive overload remains key—gradually increase weights for continued growth. Form is paramount, so ensure controlled movements for maximum impact and minimal risk of injury. Embrace the burn, stay consistent, and watch those biceps define your dedication to a healthier, stronger you. Let's make those guns the envy of the gym!

Week 4 Goals

1.Targeted Exercises: 

  • Week 4 focuses on honing in on specific bicep exercises, such as concentration curls and hammer curls, to isolate and strengthen the muscles.

2.Progressive Overload: 

  • Introduce slight increases in resistance or repetitions to ensure continuous progression, promoting muscle growth and definition.

3.Form Refinement: 

  • Concentrate on perfecting exercise form to maximize effectiveness and prevent injury. Pay attention to controlled movements and a full range of motion.

4.Variety in Rep Ranges: 

  • Incorporate a mix of high and low rep ranges to stimulate different muscle fibers, fostering both strength and endurance.

5.Rest and Recovery: 

  • Emphasize the importance of adequate rest between sets and sessions to allow the muscles to recover and grow. Overtraining can hinder progress.

6.Nutritional Support: 

  • Highlight the significance of a balanced diet with sufficient protein intake to support muscle repair and growth.

7.Mind-Muscle Connection: 

  • Encourage a strong mind-muscle connection, focusing on the sensation of the muscles contracting during each repetition for optimal engagement.

8.Assessment and Adjustment: 

  • Regularly evaluate progress and be ready to adjust the workout plan based on individual response, ensuring continued improvement in bicep strength and aesthetics.

Importance of proper form in biceps workout

1.Injury Prevention: 

  • Maintaining proper form during biceps workout reduces the risk of injuries, safeguarding joints and muscles.

2.Muscle Activation: 

  • Correct form ensures targeted engagement of the biceps, maximizing muscle activation and promoting efficient growth.

3.Effective Results: 

  • Precision in form leads to better results by optimizing the stress on the biceps, facilitating muscle development.

4.Posture and Alignment: 

  • Proper form contributes to overall posture and alignment, preventing strain on other body parts.

5.Long-Term Progress: 

  • Consistent adherence to proper form fosters long-term progress, preventing plateaus and promoting continuous improvement.

6.Mind-Muscle Connection: 

  • Focusing on form enhances the mind-muscle connection, improving the quality of each repetition.

7.Enhanced Control: 

  • Maintaining form allows for better control over weights, reducing the likelihood of using momentum to lift.

8.Efficient Workouts: 

  • Proper form ensures that each repetition is effective, making workouts more time-efficient.

9.Joint Health: 

  • Incorrect form can strain joints, while proper form promotes joint health and longevity.

10.Athletic Performance: 

  • Whether for daily activities or sports, a foundation of proper form in biceps workout enhances overall athletic performance.

List Of Biceps Workout

1. Straight Bar Preacher Curl

The straight bar preacher curl is a targeted biceps workout designed to isolate and sculpt the muscles of the upper arm. This exercise involves using a preacher bench, which provides stability and ensures strict form, minimizing cheating during the lift. Gripping a straight barbell with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, the movement involves a controlled curling of the bar towards the chest while the upper arms rest on the angled pad. 

This strict range of motion places intense emphasis on the biceps brachii, enhancing both strength and definition. Incorporating straight bar preacher curls into your routine contributes to a well-rounded and powerful arm workout.

The Straight Bar Preacher Curl: How to Do It


  • Place a bar that is straight on the preacher curl bench.
  • So that your armpits are comfortably resting on the bench, adjust the seat height.
  • With your palms facing up, take a shoulder-width hold of the bar.


  • Make sure your upper arms are flat on the bench and maintain a firm core.
  • Pull the bar down gradually until your arms are straight out in front of you.
  • Breathe out, curl the bar up, and tense your biceps.
  • After a few period of holding the contraction, carefully lower the bar.

3.Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Swinging the body: 

  • To focus only on your biceps, remain still.


  • Pay attention to deliberate motions to prevent harm.

Grasping too loosely or tightly: 

  • Use a grip that permits.

Reps & Sets:


  • To ensure good form, begin with 2-3 sets of 10–12 repetitions.


  • Progress to 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps with moderate weight.


  • Increase the load progressively and aim for 4-5 sets of 6-8 repetitions.

Advice for Begginers:

Start Light: 

  • Before advancing, perfect the form using lesser weights.


  • To improve blood flow, do a quick cardiovascular warm-up.

Posture Matters: 

  • Maintaining proper posture is important to avoid putting stress on the lower back.

After-Workout Streches:

1.Biceps Extension:

  • Straighten your arms and place your palms front.
  • To extend your biceps, gently draw back on your fingers with your non-dominant hand.

2.Triceps Extension:

  • Raise one arm overhead, extending it down the middle of your back while bending the elbow.
  • Apply a light pressure with the other hand to the bent elbow.

3.Shoulder Extension:

  • Hold the other hand over your chest while holding one arm.
  • To extend the shoulders, apply light pressure with your elbow.

4.Stretching the upper back and neck

  • Bring your ear closer to your shoulder by tilting your head to one side.
  • Put your hand on the other side of your head and press lightly.

2. Dumbbell Curl

The dumbbell curl is a quintessential biceps workout that hones strength and definition in the upper arms. Executed by lifting dumbbells from a neutral position to shoulder height, this exercise specifically targets the biceps brachii, fostering muscle growth and sculpting a well-defined peak. 

Its simplicity belies its effectiveness, engaging both arms independently for balanced development. Beyond aesthetics, the dumbbell curl enhances functional strength, contributing to daily activities that involve lifting or pulling. 

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a beginner, incorporating dumbbell curls into your routine promises to elevate your arm game, fostering not just strength, but a sculpted and powerful physique.

How to Perform Dumbbell Curls:

1.Starting Position:

  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart and grasp a dumbbell in each hand, with the palms pointing straight ahead.
  • Maintain a straight back, relaxed shoulders, and elbows close to the body.

2.The Curl

  • Exhale, curl the weights upward, and contract your biceps in a controlled manner.
  • Make sure that just your forearms move, and keep your upper arms still.
  • For maximum contraction, squeeze your biceps at the top of the exercise.

3.Lowering Phase:

  • Breathe deeply as you gradually return the dumbbells to their starting position.
  • To properly contract your muscles, keep your composure while you descend.

Sets and Reps: Initially:

  • Begin with two to three sets of ten to twelve repetitions.
  • Select a weight that will test your abilities without sacrificing form.


  • Objective: 3–4 sets of 8–10 repetitions.
  • As your strength increases, gradually increase the weight.

Tips For Begginers:

1.Start Light:

  • To get the right form, start with a lighter weight.
  • Pay more attention to deliberate motions than to heavy lifting at first.

2.Full Range of Motion:

  • To get the most muscle engagement, make sure you are in full range of motion.
  • When you reach the bottom of each repetition, fully extend your arms.

3.Mind-Muscle Relationship:

  • Throughout the workout, pay close attention to your biceps' contraction.
  • This relationship improves muscle development and activation.

4.Rest and Recovery:

  • For the best recuperation, give yourself at least 48 hours off in between biceps workout.
  • Not during exercise, but rather during the recovery period, muscles expand.

3. Alternate Hammer Curll

Welcome to the alternate hammer curl, a dynamic biceps workout that's about to redefine your arm game. Diverging from the traditional path, this exercise hones in on each bicep independently, sculpting a symphony of strength and definition. 

As you wield those weights alternately, you're not just lifting; you're conducting a masterpiece for your muscles. The hammer grip ensures a holistic approach, targeting not just the biceps but also engaging the brachialis for a well-rounded development. 

Say goodbye to monotony, and let the alternate hammer curl be the avant-garde addition to your arsenal, forging a path to bolder, more robust arms.

Benefits of Alternate Hammer Curls

1.Muscle Activation:

  • Targets not only the biceps but also the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, promoting overall arm development.

2.Joint Health:

  • The neutral grip reduces strain on the wrists and elbows, making it a joint-friendly exercise.

3.Functional Strength:

  • Enhances functional strength by replicating natural arm movements, contributing to everyday activities.

How to Perform Various Hammer Curls: 

1.Setting Up Yourself

  • When standing, maintain a straight stance and spread your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip, your palms facing each other.


  • Start with one arm, keeping the elbow close to your torso.
  • Curl the weight upward while maintaining the neutral hold.
  • When the workout reaches its pinnacle, take a brief break and clench your biceps.
  • It is important to reduce the weight cautiously.
  • Repeat the process with the other arm.


  • As you reduce the weight, take a deep breath.
  • Continue to breathe regularly while exhaling as you raise the weight.

Sets and Reps

For optimal results, incorporate Alternate Hammer Curls into your bicep workout with the following guidelines:


  • 3-4 sets per session


  • 10-12 reps per arm


  • Allow 60-90 seconds of rest between sets.

Tips for Beginners:

1.Start with Light Weights:

  • Begin with a weight that allows you to complete the desired reps with proper form.
  • Focus on mastering the movement before increasing the resistance.

2.Maintain Control:

  • Avoid using momentum to lift the weights; control is key for effective muscle engagement.
  • Perform the exercise in a slow and deliberate manner to maximize the benefits.

3.Neutral Grip Importance:

  • Keep a neutral grip to target the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles along with the biceps.
  • This grip variation helps in developing a well-balanced and sculpted arm appearance.

4.Full Range of Motion:

  • Ensure a complete range of motion by fully extending your arm at the bottom of the movement and contracting the biceps at the top.
  • This helps in activating the entire muscle.

5.Rest and Recovery:

  • Allow at least 48 hours of rest between bicep-focused workouts to facilitate muscle recovery and growth.

4. Single Arm Preacher Curl

The Single Arm Preacher Curl is a dynamic biceps workout that hones in on sculpting impressive arm definition. Positioned on a preacher bench, this isolation exercise targets the biceps brachii with precision, minimizing reliance on other muscle groups. 

By working one arm at a time, it promotes balanced development and helps rectify strength imbalances. The preacher bench provides crucial stability, isolating the biceps' full range of motion for optimal muscle engagement. 

Incorporating this exercise into your routine not only enhances aesthetics but also fosters strength gains, making it a cornerstone for those seeking well-rounded biceps development. Elevate your arm game with the Single Arm Preacher Curl.

How to Do a Preacher Curl with Just One Arm:


  • Place a preacher bench such that your upper arm is supported by the pad. To enable your arm to fully stretch without raising your shoulder, adjust the seat height.


  • With an underhand grip and your palm facing up, pick up a dumbbell. Your back should be straight and your arm should be fully extended.


  • Curl the weight slowly in the direction of your shoulder while maintaining a strong upper arm against the pad. 
  • At the peak of the exercise, contract your biceps, and then carefully return the weight to the beginning position.

4. Breathing

  • Breathe steadily and deliberately, inhaling as you lower the weight and exhaling as you lift.

Reps & Sets:

  • To establish a foundation, begin with 2-3 sets of 10–12 repetitions per arm for beginners.
  • Intermediate to advanced: Aim for 3–4 sets of 8–10 repetitions for hypertrophy while gradually increasing the weight.

Advice for Begginers:

1.Take a Light Weight First:

  • Prioritize learning the form. To make sure you can do the exercise properly, start with a lower weight.

2.Regulated Motions:

  • Refrain from lifting the weight with momentum. The risk of injury is decreased and muscle engagement is maximized with deliberate, slow motions.

3.The entire range of motion

  • To completely contract your biceps, make sure you move through their whole range of motion. Lower the weight until your arm is completely extended, then raise it until your biceps contract to their maximum extent.

4.Take Note of Your Body:

  • Observe your body's reaction to the workout. If you feel pain (apart from the typical muscular soreness), check your form and think about using a lower weight.

5.Standing Cable Curl

Welcome to the realm of sculpted biceps! The Standing Cable Curl is your passport to sleeve-bursting arms. This targeted biceps workout harnesses the power of cable resistance, demanding full engagement of those coveted arm muscles. 

As you stand tall, the cable becomes your artistic tool, allowing for a fluid and controlled range of motion. Bid farewell to cheating reps; the cable ensures a constant tension, fostering maximum muscle activation. 

Embrace the burn as you curl your way to chiseled arms, the Standing Cable Curl beckoning you into the arena of strength and aesthetics. Get ready to redefine your arm game with this dynamic exercise.

How to Perform Standing Cable Curls:


  • Begin by setting the cable machine to chest height and attaching a straight bar or rope handle.


  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, maintaining a stable and upright posture.


  • Grab the handle with an underhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart.


  • Keep your elbows close to your torso and extend your arms fully.


  • Slowly curl the handle towards your shoulders, contracting your biceps at the top of the movement.


  • Lower the handle back to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

Sets and Reps:

  • For beginners, start with 3 sets of 10-12 reps, focusing on maintaining proper form throughout. As you progress, you can increase the weight and adjust the sets and reps to suit your fitness goals. Aim for a weight that challenges you without sacrificing your technique.

Tips for Beginners:

Lighten the Load: 

  • Begin with a lighter weight to focus on mastering the form and technique.

Mind-Muscle Connection: 

  • Concentrate on feeling the contraction in your biceps during each repetition.

Control the Movement: 

  • Avoid swinging or using momentum; control is key for maximum effectiveness.

Gradual Progression: 

  • Gradually increase the weight as your strength improves, but prioritize form over heavy lifting.

Advantages of Cable Curls While Standing:


  • Improves muscle engagement by specifically focusing on the biceps.

Full range of motion: 

  • is possible, guaranteeing optimal muscle activation.


  • Easily adapted to a range of heights and variations, suiting different body shapes and tastes.


1.Protein Power:

  • Essential for muscle repair and growth.
  • Include lean sources like chicken, fish, eggs, and plant-based options like beans and tofu.

2.Carb Conscious:

  • Fuel for workouts and aids in glycogen replenishment.
  • Opt for complex carbs like whole grains, sweet potatoes, and quinoa.

3.Healthy Fats Matter:

  • Support hormone production crucial for muscle building.
  • Avocados, nuts, and olive oil are excellent sources.

4.Hydrate for Recovery:

  • Water is vital for nutrient transport and muscle function.
  • Consume water-rich foods and hydrate consistently.

5.Micronutrient Magic:

  • Ensure sufficient vitamins and minerals for overall health.
  • Fruits, vegetables, and colorful foods provide a spectrum of micronutrients.

6.Timing is Key:

  • Eat protein-rich meals post-workout for optimal recovery.
  • Balanced snacks between meals maintain a steady nutrient supply.

7.Avoid Excess:

  • Overconsumption can lead to fat gain rather than muscle.
  • Portion control is crucial; quality over quantity.

8.Prioritize Sleep:

  • Quality rest aids in muscle repair and growth.
  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

9.Consistency Wins:

  • Long-term adherence to a balanced diet is key.
  • Small, sustainable changes lead to lasting results.

10.Consult a Professional:

  • Individual nutritional needs vary; seek advice from a nutritionist or dietitian.
  • Personalized plans enhance results and overall well-being.


 1.What changes should I make to my biceps workout routine in Week 4 as a beginner?

  • In Week 4, consider increasing the intensity of your biceps workout by adding more challenging exercises or increasing weights. 
  • It's crucial to progressively overload your muscles for continued growth. Ensure proper form to prevent injuries.

 2.How often should I train my biceps in Week 4?

  • Aim for two to three biceps-specific workouts in Week 4, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions. Adequate recovery is essential for muscle growth. 
  • You may also incorporate compound exercises targeting other muscle groups for overall development.

3.Can I include isolation exercises for biceps in Week 4?

  • Yes, integrating isolation exercises like bicep curls and hammer curls is beneficial for targeting the biceps directly. 
  • However, maintain a balance by including compound movements like chin-ups or pull-ups to engage multiple muscle groups.

4.In Week 4, should I adjust the quantity of sets and repetitions?

  • For each biceps exercise, try completing 3–4 sets of 8–12 repetitions to promote muscular growth. This range encourages muscle growth. 
  • But always pay attention to your body; if a weight feels too light or heavy, make the necessary adjustments.

5.Is it required to include days of rest for the biceps in Week 4?

  • Indeed, rest days are essential for the growth and healing of muscles. Make sure your biceps have at least one or two recovery days in Week 4. 
  • Overtraining can impede development and raise the possibility of accidents.


Week 4's biceps workout emphasized targeted exercises like curls and hammer curls to sculpt and strengthen the biceps effectively. Consistency is the cornerstone of progress—whether you're a beginner or seasoned enthusiast. Celebrate small victories, relish in the journey, and stay committed to your fitness goals. Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and your biceps won't be either. Keep the momentum, embrace the burn, and witness the transformation. Your dedication today paves the way for the gains of tomorrow. Stay persistent, stay positive, and revel in the triumphs, no matter how modest—they're all stepping stones to your best self.

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