Chest workout Plan Week 3

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 "Mastering the Basics: Week 3 Chest Workout for Gym Beginners"


Welcome to Week 3 of your gym journey, beginners! By now, you've embraced the exhilarating world of fitness, and it's time to sculpt those pecs with a dedicated chest workout. This week, we're diving into a routine designed to ignite muscle growth and strength in your chest muscles.

Start with compound exercises like bench press, targeting the overall chest area. Feel the burn as you progress to incline and decline presses, honing in on upper and lower chest development. Dumbbell flyes will engage and stretch your chest muscles, enhancing flexibility and definition. As you embark on this chest-centric week, focus on perfecting your form to maximize gains and prevent injury.

Remember, consistency is key. Embrace the challenge, stay committed, and witness the transformation of your chest as you power through Week 3. You've got this!

The basic anatomy of the chest muscles

1.Pectoralis Major: 

  • The largest chest muscle, it consists of clavicular and sternal heads, originating from the clavicle and sternum, and inserting into the humerus.

2.Pectoralis Minor: 

  • Located beneath the pectoralis major, it aids in shoulder movement, originating from the ribs and inserting into the scapula.

3.Serratus Anterior: 

  • Positioned on the sides of the chest, it originates from the upper ribs and inserts into the scapula, contributing to arm movement and stability.

4.Intercostal Muscles: 

  • Situated between the ribs, these muscles facilitate breathing and chest expansion.


  • This muscle helps to stabilize the clavicle and is located directly below the collarbone.

6.Chest Muscle Importance: 

  • These muscles are essential for a variety of upper body motions, such as pushing, pulling, and arm rotation.

Week 3 Chest Workout Routine

1.Barbell Bench Press:

The Barbell Bench Press stands as the quintessential powerhouse in the realm of chest workouts. A fundamental compound exercise, it commands respect for its ability to sculpt and strengthen the pectoral muscles, shoulders, and triceps with unwavering efficiency.

 As you lie on the bench, gripping the barbell with determination, each controlled descent and explosive ascent engages a symphony of muscle fibers, fostering not just raw strength but also impeccable form. Whether you're a novice eager to embark on the fitness journey or a seasoned lifter seeking the core of upper body prowess, the Barbell Bench Press is the cornerstone of a robust chest regimen.

Barbell Bench Press Advantages

1. Complete Chest Development: 

  • The pectoral muscles, which the bench press primarily targets, are what give your chest its tone.

2. Stimulating: 

  • It works several upper body muscle groups, increasing the total strength of the upper body.

3. Time-saving: 

  • This exercise saves time by simultaneously training the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

4.Hormonal Release: 

  • Compound workouts, such as the bench press, increase the release of hormones that help with muscular growth.

Bench Press Techniques Using a Barbell:


  • For the setup, lie flat on a bench with your feet firmly placed. Use a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder width to hold the barbell.

2. Position: 

  • Maintain a 90-degree angle with your elbows as you drop the barbell to your chest.


  • When pressing, stretch your arms fully while keeping your elbows at a natural angle. Reset the barbell to its initial position.

Beginner Sets & Reps:

  • In the 3 week, beginners should begin with three sets of 8–10 repetitions. Instead of lifting heavy, concentrate on keeping appropriate form. As you get better at the exercise, gradually increase the weight.

Common Mistakes

  • To protect your lower back, avoid arching your back by maintaining neutral posture. Try not to arch too much.
  • Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your torso to prevent shoulder stress.
  • Lifting Too Much: To avoid injuries, lift lighter loads with good form first.

2.Incline Dumbell Press

The Incline Dumbbell Press stands as a quintessential chest workout, sculpting and strengthening the upper pectoral muscles with precision. This dynamic exercise involves lying on an inclined bench, enhancing the range of motion and targeting the clavicular fibers of the chest. 

By employing dumbbells, it promotes unilateral strength development, rectifying muscle imbalances. As the weights are lifted, the stabilizing muscles engage, fostering core stability. The Incline Dumbbell Press not only contributes to a well-defined chest but also bolsters shoulder health. Incorporating this exercise into your regimen ensures a comprehensive upper body workout, fostering both aesthetic appeal and functional strength.

Incline Dumbbell Press Advantages

1.Targeted Upper Chest Development: 

  • This exercise's inclined angle puts more of an emphasis on the upper chest, which will help you develop a chest that is aesthetically beautiful and well-rounded.

2.Increased Range of Motion: 

  • A wider range of motion is possible with the inclined dumbbell press than with the flat version, which encourages muscular activation and development.

3.Stabilizer Muscle Activation: 

  • Activating a variety of supporting muscles for a more thorough workout, holding and managing separate dumbbells needs higher stabilization.


  • By modifying the slope angle and choosing the right dumbbell weights, this workout may be readily customized to suit varied fitness levels.

How to Perform Incline Dumbbell Press:

1.Set Up the Bench: 

  • Depending on your comfort and level of fitness, incline the bench from 15 to 45 degrees.

2.Choose the Right Weights: 

  • Pick dumbbells that will test you without compromising your form. Start out at a moderate weight, then increase it as necessary.

3.Lie back on the bench: 

  • Take a position with your feet firmly on the ground and your back flat against the bench.

4.Grip the Dumbbells: 

  • Hold the dumbbells with an overhand grip while holding them with your arms extended over your chest.

5.Drop the Dumbbells: 

  • With your elbows slightly bent, gently lower the dumbbells to your sides.

6.Press Upward: 

  • While fully extending your arms and maintaining your elbows unlocked, press the dumbbells back to their starting position while exhaling.


  • Attempt to finish the required number of repetitions at a steady, controlled pace.

Recommendations for Week 3's Sets and Reps:

  • 3 to 4 sets.
  • 8–12 repetitions each set.
  • Gradually increasing intensity throughout our program ensures that we continue to grow without running the danger of becoming hurt.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Overarching the Back: 

  • Keep your spine neutral to prevent overstretching your lower back. Keep your core active for stability.

Rushing the Movement: 

  • Carry out each repetition slowly and deliberately, avoiding jerky or quick motions. Quantity is subordinate to quality.

Using the Wrong Incline: 

  • Make sure the bench is positioned at the right incline to properly target the upper chest.

Neglecting Warm-Up Sets: 

  • To get your muscles and joints ready for the oncoming effort, warm up with lesser weights.

Neglecting Proper Breathing: 

Take regular, rhythmical breaths, exhaling during the exertion phase and inhaling during the decreasing phase.

3.Incline Dumble Fly

A dynamic chest workout that precisely targets the upper pectoral muscles is the Incline Dumbbell Fly. An inclined bench is used for this exercise, allowing for a deeper stretch and more effective muscle activation. The pectoral muscles are separated as you gently extend and retract your arms, generating strength and definition in the upper chest. 

The deliberate motion not only increases muscular mass but also flexibility. Whether you're an experienced lifter or a fitness enthusiast, including Incline Dumbbell Fly in your regimen gives your chest workout a demanding dimension while also helping you to develop a balanced and impressive upper body shape.

Incline Dumbbell Fly Advantages

1.Chest Isolation: 

  • The incline angle emphasizes the upper chest more, helping to sculpt an evenly proportioned and well-defined chest.

2.Shoulder Engagement: 

  • Unlike variations performed on a flat bench, the incline fly engages the anterior deltoids, which helps to develop a well-balanced shoulder.

3. Stability Challenge: 

  • Balancing on an inclined bench requires active use of the core, which improves stability and functional strength overall.

4. Joint-Friendly: 

  • The dumbbell fly is a safer choice for people with shoulder problems because of the controlled action it uses, which reduces stress on the shoulder joints.

How to Perform Incline Dumbbell Fly:

1.Set up: 

  • Set a 30- to 45-degree incline bench. Grab a set of dumbbells, then take a seat on the bench with your back supported.


  • Place a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing in opposite directions. Start with weights that are difficult for you but still provide appropriate form.


  • Lower the dumbbells to your chest while keeping your elbows slightly bent. Squeeze your chest muscles to raise the weights back up after feeling the strain in your chest.


  • As you drop the dumbbells, inhale, and as you press them back up, exhale.
Try to finish three sets of 10 to 12 reps for Week 3. Pick a weight that continues to challenge you after each set. To encourage continuing growth, we'll gradually up the intensity as we go.

Common mistakes to avoid:

1.Increasing Back Length: 

  • To prevent placing unnecessary tension on the lower back, maintain neutral spinal alignment. Throughout the entire practice, maintain your focus.

2. Elbows that flare: 

  • Avoid locking your elbows to avoid putting extra stress on the joints. Maintain a modest bend in your elbows.


  • Form is essential. Pick a weight that enables you to regulate the exercise and use proper form the entire time.

4.Rapid Movements: 

  • To increase muscle engagement during quick movements, emphasize the eccentric (falling) phase. Avoid jerky, quick movements.

5.Skipping Warm-up: 

  • Before beginning your workout sets, always warm-up. Muscle that has been warmed up is more malleable and less prone to injury.

Elevate Your Fitness' third week We change up our chest workout by using the Incline Dumbbell Fly after our journey. Maintain your form, gradually increase the resistance, and savor the burn as your muscles grow and adapt. Let's continue to be steadfast and devoted while scaling new heights together!

4.Chest Press Machine

The Chest Press Machine stands as a stalwart companion in the realm of chest workouts, providing a controlled and targeted approach to sculpting the pectoral muscles. This apparatus offers a user-friendly entry point for both beginners and seasoned fitness enthusiasts, ensuring a safe yet effective journey towards a chiseled chest.

 By stabilizing the movements and allowing for customizable resistance, the Chest Press Machine isolates the chest muscles, fostering strength and endurance. Whether striving for a robust upper body or aiming to enhance overall fitness, this machine proves itself as a cornerstone in the pursuit of a powerful and well-defined chest.


1.Targeted Muscle Engagement:

  • The Chest Press Machine primarily targets the pectoral muscles, deltoids, and triceps. This focused engagement allows for efficient muscle development.

2.Stability and Safety:

  • Unlike free weights, the Chest Press Machine provides a stable and guided movement, reducing the risk of injury. This makes it an excellent choice for both beginners and advanced gym-goers.

3.Isolation of Muscles:

  • The machine helps isolate the chest muscles, minimizing the involvement of secondary muscles. This isolation is crucial for sculpting and defining the chest.

How to Use the Machine for a Chest Press:

  • 1. Set the seat height such that the handlebars and the center of the chest are parallel. For stability, make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground.
  • 2. Maintain a straight wrist while using an overhand grip to hold the handles. You want to leave a little more room between your hands and shoulder breadth.
  • 3. While sitting with your lower back in a natural arch, place the cushion firmly beneath your back. By doing this, the spine is perfectly aligned.
  • 4.Movement: Extend your arms fully as you press the grips forward. Allowing a small bend in your elbows will help you control the fall as you return the handles to their initial positions.

Sets and Reps:


  • Aim for 3-4 sets per session. This provides an optimal balance between volume and intensity.


  • For muscle building, aim for 8-12 reps per set. Adjust the resistance to challenge your muscles without sacrificing form.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

1.Excessive Weight: 

  • Using too much weight increases your risk of injury and compromises your form. Begin with a manageable weight and increase it gradually.

2.Insufficient Range of Motion: 

  • Make sure you use the entire range of motion. Avoid cutting the movement short because this inhibits muscular growth and engagement.

3.Poor Posture: 

  • Throughout the activity, maintain good posture. Your back may become strained if you slouch or arch your back, and your muscles may not be properly targeted.

5.Pec Dec Fly

As you progress into the third week of your fitness journey, incorporating the Tec Deck Fly into your chest workout promises to elevate your training experience. This machine, a staple in modern gyms, specifically targets the pectoral muscles through a controlled and isolated motion. 

By using the Tec Deck Fly during week 3, you're adding a valuable dimension to your routine, promoting muscle definition and strength. As you master the machine's form, feel the gradual yet impactful transformation in your chest muscles, marking a milestone in your fitness evolution. Embrace the challenge and sculpt your chest with precision on this advanced training apparatus.

Benefits of Tec Dec Fly:

1.Isolation of Chest Muscles: 

  • Tec Dec Fly is renowned for its ability to isolate and target the pectoral muscles. This isolation ensures that the chest bears the brunt of the workout, leading to enhanced muscle engagement and growth.

2.Joint-Friendly Movement: 

  • Unlike some compound exercises, Tec Dec Fly is a joint-friendly movement. It minimizes stress on the joints while providing an effective workout for the chest muscles, making it an ideal choice for those with joint concerns.

3.Improved Range of Motion: 

  • Dec Tec A broader range of motion is available with Fly's flying motion compared with traditional chest workout. The chest muscles may be stretched and contracted to their greatest extent more easily with this larger range, which encourages the finest possible muscle growth.

How to Perform Tec Dec Fly:


  • Align your chest with the handles and seat of the pec deck machine. With your elbows slightly bent, hold the grips while keeping your back flat against the pad.


  • Spread your arms wide while maintaining a slight bend in your elbows. Bring the handles back together in front of you, paying attention to tightening your chest muscles.


  • When breathing, open your arms wide and then close them again while exhaling.
  • Throughout the workout, this controlled breathing aids in maintaining balance and control.

Recommended Sets and Repetitions for Week 3:

  • As you progress into Week 3, it's essential to challenge your muscles for continued growth. 
  • Aim for 3 to 4 sets of Tec Dec Fly with 10 to 12 repetitions per set. Ensure that the weight you choose allows you to maintain proper form throughout each set.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

1.Overarching the Back: 

  • Maintain a flat back against the pad to prevent excessive stress on the lower back. Arching can compromise the effectiveness of the exercise and increase the risk of injury.

2.Using Too Much Weight: 

  • While development is important, using too much weight compromises form and raises the possibility of injury. Pick a weight that is difficult but manageable.

3. Forgetting about control: 

  • Don't swing the handles together with your momentum. To enhance muscle engagement, concentrate on a gradual, controlled action.

6.Wide Pushup and Close Pushup Combine

In week 3 of your chest workout regimen, we introduce a dynamic fusion of wide push-ups and close push-ups, a harmonious blend targeting various chest muscles. Wide push-ups emphasize the outer pectorals, promoting width and definition, while close push-ups hone in on the inner chest for depth and strength. 

This combination not only engages the entire chest but also challenges stabilizing muscles, fostering a balanced and sculpted upper body. As you progress through week 3, this compound exercise enhances muscle endurance and definition, bringing you closer to your fitness goals. Embrace the challenge, feel the burn, and witness the transformative power of this synergistic chest workout.

Wide Push-Ups:

Wide push-ups, also known as wide grip push-ups, involve placing your hands wider than shoulder-width apart. This variation primarily targets the chest, shoulders, and outer areas of the pectoral muscles. The wider hand placement puts additional emphasis on the chest muscles, promoting a broader and more defined upper body.

Benefits of Wide Push-Ups:

Chest Development: 

  • Wide push-ups engage the chest muscles more intensively than traditional push-ups, helping to sculpt and strengthen the pectorals.

Shoulder Engagement: 

  • The wider hand position activates the shoulder muscles, contributing to overall shoulder development.

Improved Stability: 

  • Performing wide push-ups challenges your core and enhances stability as you lift and lower your body

Close Push-Ups:

Close push-ups, or close grip push-ups, involve bringing your hands closer together, usually beneath the center of your chest. This variation targets the triceps and the inner parts of the chest, making it an excellent exercise for building arm strength and inner chest definition.

Benefits of Close Push-Ups:

Tricep Emphasis:

  • Close push-ups place greater emphasis on the triceps, aiding in the development of strong and defined arms.

Inner Chest Activation: 

  • This variation targets the inner chest, contributing to a well-rounded and sculpted chest appearance.

Increased Elbow Flexion: 

  • The closer hand placement increases the range of motion at the elbows, providing a thorough workout for the triceps.

Combining Wide and Close Push-Ups:

Integrating both wide and close push-ups into your routine offers a comprehensive upper body workout. This combination allows you to target different muscle groups effectively, ensuring balanced development across the chest, shoulders, and arms.

Sample Routine:

  • Wide Push-Ups (15 reps): Start with a wide hand position to activate the outer chest and shoulders.
  • Close Push-Ups (15 reps): Transition to a close hand position, focusing on the triceps and inner chest.
  • Wide Push-Ups (12 reps): Repeat wide push-ups to maintain chest engagement.
  • Close Push-Ups (12 reps): Return to close push-ups for continued tricep activation.
  • Wide Push-Ups (10 reps): Perform a final set of wide push-ups to fatigue the chest muscles.

Rest and Recovery

1.Strategic Breaks: 

  • Incorporate short breaks between sets to allow for optimal muscle recovery. This helps maintain the intensity and form throughout the entire workout.

2.Hydration is Key: 

  • Adequate water intake is crucial during and after a chest workout. Hydration supports nutrient transport, aids in muscle function, and accelerates recovery.

3.Post-Workout Nutrition: 

  • Consume a balanced post-workout meal rich in protein and carbohydrates. This aids in muscle repair and replenishes glycogen stores, essential for sustained energy.

4.Sleep Quality Matters: 

  • Ensure a good night's sleep. Quality sleep is when the body undergoes significant repair and growth. Aim for 7-9 hours to maximize recovery.

5. Active Recovery: 

  • Include brief cardio workouts on rest days. This encourages blood flow, which helps to provide nutrients to muscles and lessens muscle stiffness.

6.Foam rolling and stretching: 

  • Incorporate foam rolling and stretching into your regimen to improve flexibility and relieve muscle tension. Injuries can be avoided and general performance can be enhanced.

7. Pay Attention to Your Body: 

  • Be alert for overtraining symptoms including prolonged fatigue or discomfort. To avoid injury and fatigue, adjust the intensity and frequency of your workouts properly.

8.Incorporate Deload Weeks: 

  • Every 4-6 weeks, take into account a deload week with less intense training. This enables complete bodily recovery and avoids progress plateaus.

By incorporating these recovery strategies, you not only enhance the effectiveness of your chest workouts but also promote long-term muscle growth and overall well-being. Remember, rest is not just a break—it's a crucial part of the fitness journey.

Celebrate your progress as a gym newbie as you complete week three of your chest workout regimen. Strength and endurance have their foundations set by your devotion. The need of consistency becomes apparent as your muscles begin to react to the challenge. Always maintain perfect form, build up your intensity gradually, and pay attention to your body. Although the voyage has only just begun, these first few weeks show the metamorphosis already in motion. Accept the discomfort, enjoy the accomplishments, and anticipate future improvement. Salutations for your commitment and the promising direction you've taken!

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