7 day Veg Diet Plan

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7 Day Diet Plan

Creating a vegetarian Indian home-based diet plan with 150g of protein for beginners can be a nutritious and balanced way to support your fitness goals. Remember to consult with a nutritionist or healthcare professional before starting any new diet plan. Here's a 7 day Diet plan with the protein content mentioned for each meal:

Day 1

Morning (Pre-Workout Meal):

Protein: 20g

1 Glass of Low-Fat Milk (200ml): 

  • Milk is a good source of protein and will provide essential nutrients to fuel your workout.

1 Banana: 

  • This will provide you with quick energy due to its natural sugars and potassium.

Exercise Session Post-Workout Meal: 30g of protein

  • 100g of sprouted moong in a bowl: Moong beans are a fantastic plant-based protein source.
  • 1 boiled egg, or if you're vegan, an equal amount of plant-based protein:  
  • Eggs are a great source of protein and good fats.
  • A healthy source of fiber and complex carbohydrates is whole grains. 1 Chapati (Multigrain Roti).
  • For more vitamins and minerals, add bell peppers, tomatoes, and cucumber to your veggie salad.
  • Buttermilk (chaas), one glass: It provides protein and facilitates digestion.

Protein: 10g Greek Yogurt (150g), a protein-rich choice that also contains probiotics for gut health, is a good mid-morning snack.

15–20 almonds: Almonds provide additional protein and good lipids.


  • 30g of protein
  • 150g of Dal (lentils): Dal is a delicious dish that is a fantastic source of plant-based protein.

1 Serving of Steamed Brown Rice (150g): 

  • Brown rice provides complex carbohydrates.

1 Serving of Vegetable Curry: 

  • Include a variety of vegetables for nutrients.

1 Serving of Salad: 

  • A side salad with greens and cucumbers.

A Dessert following lunch

  • A dairy product called paneer is a high-protein food since it contains 10g of protein per 100g.
  • Fruits that are whole, including apples, pears, and oranges, are rich in vitamins and fiber.

(Breakfast before dinner) p.m.

10 grams of protein

  • One cup of green tea contains a lot of antioxidants.
  • 30g of roasted chana (chickpeas) are included in each dish. Chickpeas are a fantastic source of both fiber and protein.


  • 20g of protein
  • Quinoa is a full plant-based protein source, and one serving of it contains 150g.
  • Tofu is a flexible source of protein. One serving of tofu (paneer for variation, 100g) is recommended.
  • Include broccoli, bell peppers, and carrots in one serving of stir-fried vegetables.
  • A tiny salad served as a side dish to add extra nutrients and fiber.

Snack before bed (optional):

  • 10g of protein
  • 1 Glass of Warm Milk with a Sprinkle of Turmeric: Turmeric has been shown to promote restful sleep and recuperation.

150g is the daily average for protein intake.

Day 2: Morning Workout (Protein per meal is approximate and may vary based on portion sizes and food choices)

Early Morning (Pre-Workout):

Warm water with lemon: 

  • 1 glass

Workout (Morning):

  • Morning workout (e.g., 30 minutes of brisk walking, jogging, or yoga)

Post-Workout (Breakfast):

  • Moong dal chilla (green gram pancakes) with green chutney
  • Moong dal chilla: 2 pieces (Approx. 12-15g of protein per chilla)
  • Green chutney (made with coriander, mint, and yogurt): 2 tablespoons
  • Greek yogurt: 1 small bowl (Approx. 8-10g of protein)
  • Seasonal fruits (e.g., papaya or apple): 1 serving.

Mid-Morning Snack:

Sprouts salad:

Sprouts (e.g., moong or chickpea sprouts): 1 cup (Approx. 6-8g of protein)
Cucumber, tomato, onion, and lemon juice: Add for flavor


Roti (whole wheat chapati): 2

Paneer (cottage cheese) curry:

  • Paneer cubes cooked in tomato-onion gravy with spices
  • 1 serving (Approx. 15-18g of protein)

Mid-Morning Snack:

Sprouts salad:

  • Sprouts (e.g., moong or chickpea sprouts): 1 cup (Approx. 6-8g of protein)
  • Cucumber, tomato, onion, and lemon juice: Add for flavor


  • Roti (whole wheat chapati): 2
  • Paneer (cottage cheese) curry:
  • Paneer cubes cooked in tomato-onion gravy with spices
  • 1 serving (Approx. 15-18g of protein)

Mixed vegetable sabzi: 

  • 1 serving

Brown rice or quinoa: 

  • 1/2 cup
  • Salad (cucumber, carrot, and beetroot): 
  • 1 serving

Afternoon Snack:


  • A handful (Approx. 5-7g of protein)

Herbal tea or green tea: 

  • 1 cup

Evening Pre-Workout Snack:

  • Banana or a handful of mixed dry fruits (e.g., walnuts, almonds, and raisins)

Workout (Evening):

  • Evening workout (e.g., strength training, yoga, or cardio)

After-Workout Meal:

Stir-fried tofu or soy bits curry:

  • Chunks of tofu or soy: 1 serving (12–15 grams of protein)
  • Mixed vegetables in a stir-fry
  • 1 serving of whole wheat roti or brown rice
  • A serving of spinach or methi (fenugreek) dal has about 8 to 10 grams of protein.
  • Cucumber, tomato, and onion in a salad with a mild dressing.

In the evening (optional)

  • Honey and a sprinkle of turmeric added to warm milk.

Day 3 

The day three meal diet plan for beginners comprises 130–150 grams of protein dispersed throughout the day. Keep in mind to adjust portion sizes to meet your specific nutritional needs and, if necessary, seek guidance from a nutritionist or healthcare professional.

Before exercising (6:30–7:00 AM), 

Breakfast - Between 20 and 25 grams of protein
1.Protein Smoothie: 

  • One small banana, one tablespoon of chia seeds, one teaspoon of honey, a handful of spinach, and one cup of skim milk or a plant-based milk (such almond or soy) are the ingredients.
  • The mixture of all elements must be seamless.

Meal following postworkout :

(8:30–9:00 AM) - 30 to 35 grams of protein

2. Omelet with vegetables:

  • Ingredients include 2 eggs, tofu for a vegan option, diced onions, tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, and a dash of turmeric and black pepper.
  • Tofu and beaten eggs are cooked with the vegetables in a nonstick pan until the eggs are set.

3.Two slices of whole wheat bread for the whole wheat toast.

(11:00–11:30 AM) Mid-Morning Snack - 10 to 15 grams of protein

4.Greek yogurt with Berries:

  • 1 cup of Greek yogurt with a honey drizzle and a scattering of mixed berries on top.

Lunch (1:00 PM - 1:30 PM) - Protein: ~25-30 grams

5. Chickpea Salad:


  • Boiled chickpeas, cucumber, tomatoes, red onions, coriander leaves, and mint leaves. Season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice.

6.Brown Rice or Quinoa:

  • 1 cup cooked.

Afternoon Snack (4:00 PM - 4:30 PM) - Protein: ~10-15 grams

7. Mixed Nuts:

  • A small handful of mixed nuts like almonds, walnuts, and pistachios.

Dinner (7:00 PM - 7:30 PM) - Protein: ~20-25 grams

8. Paneer Tikka:

  • Cubes of paneer (cottage cheese) marinated in yogurt, spices, and grilled or roasted.

Roti (Whole Wheat) or Brown Rice:

  • either brown rice or whole-wheat roti

9. 2 rotis or 1 cup of cooked brown rice.

10.Mixed vegetables in curry:

  • Various vegetables cooked in a tomato-based sauce.

(9:30–10:30) Snack before going to bed - Between 5 and 10 grams of protein

11. A warm glass of milk or a herbal tea without added sugar.

Day 4 - 150g Protein Vegetarian Diet Plan for Beginners:

Breakfast (Meal 1 - 25g Protein)

Scrambled tofu with spinach and bell peppers: 

  • 150g of tofu (18g protein), cooked with 1 cup of spinach (5g protein) and 1/2 cup of bell peppers.

A whole-grain toast: 

  • 2 slices (2g protein).

Mid-Morning Snack (Meal 2 - 10g Protein)

Greek yogurt: 

  • 1 cup (10g protein).
  • A small handful of mixed nuts for added healthy fats.

Lunch (Meal 3 - 30g Protein)

Lentil soup: 

  • 1 bowl (15g protein).

Quinoa salad with chickpeas and vegetables: 

  • 1 cup (15g protein).
  • A side of green leafy vegetables for added nutrients.

Pre-Workout Snack (Meal 4 - 10g Protein)

A protein smoothie: 

  • Blend 1 scoop of plant-based protein powder (20g protein), 1 cup of almond milk (1g protein), and a handful of frozen berries.
  • Optionally, add a tablespoon of almond butter for extra protein and healthy fats.

Post-Workout Meal (Meal 5 - 30g Protein)

Grilled tempeh or tofu: 

  • 150g (18g protein).

Steamed broccoli and carrots: 

  • 1 cup (4g protein).


  • 1 cup (8g protein).

Afternoon Snack (Meal 6 - 10g Protein)

Cottage cheese: 

  • 1/2 cup (10g protein).
  • Sliced cucumbers and cherry tomatoes for added crunch and nutrients.

Dinner (Meal 7 - 25g Protein)

Chickpea curry: 

  • 1 serving (15g protein).

Brown rice: 

  • 1 cup (4g protein).
  • Mixed green salad with a light vinaigrette dressing.

Bedtime Snack (Optional)

  • A glass of warm milk or a plant-based milk alternative: 1 cup (6-8g protein).
Total Protein Intake: 138-140g (excluding the bedtime snack)

Day 5 requires careful selection of ingredients and portion control. Below is a sample diet plan:


Protein: 20g


  • Paneer Paratha (1 medium-sized) with low-fat yogurt (1 cup) and a glass of spinach juice.

Mid-morning snack:

  • Protein: 10g


  • A handful of almonds (20-25 almonds) and a small apple.


  • 30g of protein


  • 1 cup each of brown rice and chana masala.
  • Salad of cucumber and tomatoes with chaat masala and a squeeze of lemon.
  • chaas, or buttermilk, in a glass.

Before-workout food:

  • 15g of protein
  • Greek yogurt with honey and a banana, one cup, on the menu.

Post-workout meal:

  • Protein: 20g


  • Moong Dal (1 cup) with a side of mixed vegetable sabzi.
  • A serving of quinoa (1/2 cup).
  • A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Evening snack:

  • Protein: 15g


  • Tofu and vegetable stir-fry with a small serving of brown rice (1/2 cup).
  • A cup of green tea.


  • protein in 30g
  • Two whole wheat rotis and one cup of pak choi are on the menu.
  • Cucumber raita is served on the side.
  • a little bowl for fruit salad.

prior to going to sleep

  • Protein 10 grams
  • On the menu: warm milk with a dash of turmeric and a tablespoon of honey.
On average, 150 grams of protein were consumed during the day.

Day 6, including the amount of protein in each meal, the pre-workout and post-workout meals:

Breakfast (20g of protein)

  • 2 scrambled eggs or (for a vegan version) 2 cubes of tofu
  • 1 whole-wheat paratha or toast (limit the amount of oil)
  • 1 serving of almond milk or low-fat yogurt

Mid-Morning Snack (Protein: 10g) at Meal #2

  • A little amount of mixed nuts (walnuts, cashews, and almonds)
  • a fruit (banana, apple, or pears)

Meal 3: Lunch (Protein: 30g)

  • 1 cup of cooked lentils (dal)
  • 1 cup of brown rice or quinoa
  • A serving of mixed vegetables (spinach, broccoli, carrots, etc.)
  • A small salad with cucumber, tomatoes, and onions
  • 1 roti or whole wheat bread

Meal 4: Afternoon Snack (Protein: 10g)

  • A protein shake or smoothie with plant-based protein powder, almond milk, and a banana

Pre-Workout Meal (Protein: 15g)

  • Greek yogurt with honey or chia seeds (2 hours before the workout)

Post-Workout Meal (15g of Protein)

  • Immediately following an exercise, have a protein shake made with almond milk and a scoop of plant-based protein powder.

Meal No. 5: Dinner (20g of protein)

  • quinoa or brown rice alongside a dish made with tofu or paneer
  • a portion of veggies, either steamed or sautéed
  • 1 whole wheat bread or roti
  • Optional snack; modify protein as necessary:
  • Cottage cheese in a small bowl with some fruit or a few roasted chickpeas

Day 7: Vegetarian Desi Diet Plan for Beginners (140g Protein)

Breakfast (Protein: 20g)

Option 1: Protein-packed smoothie


  • 1 cup of soy milk (8g protein)
  • 1 scoop of plant-based protein powder (15g protein)
  • 1 banana
  • A handful of spinach or kale
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (2g protein)
  • 1 tablespoon of almond butter
  • Blend all ingredients for a delicious and protein-rich smoothie.

Option 2: Paneer (cottage cheese) sandwich

  • 2 slices of whole-grain bread
  • 100g of grilled paneer (15g protein)
  • Sliced tomatoes, cucumber, and lettuce
  • 1 tablespoon of Greek yogurt as a spread (2g protein)
  • Season with black pepper and herbs.

Mid-Morning Snack (Protein: 10g)

  • Greek yogurt (200g) with a handful of mixed berries and a drizzle of honey.

Lunch (Protein: 25g)

Option 1: Chickpea (chana) salad

  • 1 cup of boiled chickpeas (15g protein)
  • Chopped cucumber, tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers
  • A squeeze of lemon juice and some chaat masala for flavor.

Option 2: Tofu and vegetable stir-fry

  • 150g of tofu (20g protein), cubed
  • Mixed vegetables like broccoli, bell peppers, and carrots
  • Stir-fry in a light soy sauce and ginger-garlic sauce.

Pre-Workout Snack (Protein: 10g)

  • A small bowl of sprouts with lemon and a pinch of rock salt.

Post-Workout Meal (Protein: 25g)

Option 1: Lentil (dal) and brown rice

  • 1 cup of cooked brown rice
  • 1 cup of lentils (15g protein)
  • A side of mixed vegetable curry.

Option 2: Quinoa and chickpea bowl

  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa (8g protein)
  • 1 cup of cooked chickpeas (15g protein)
  • Sauteed spinach and mushrooms on top.

Evening Snack (Protein: 10g)

  • A glass of buttermilk (chaas) with a pinch of roasted cumin powder.

Dinner (Protein: 20g)

Option 1: Tofu tikka masala

  • 150g of tofu (20g protein), marinated and grilled
  • Served with a tomato-based tikka masala sauce and a side of quinoa or whole-grain roti.

Option 2: Paneer (cottage cheese) bhurji

  • 100g of paneer (15g protein), crumbled and cooked with onions, tomatoes, and spices
  • Served with whole-grain roti or brown rice.

Bedtime Snack (Protein: 10g)

  • A small bowl of low-fat Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey.

Total Protein Intake for the Day: 140g


  • By consuming water, herbal teas, and coconut water throughout the day, you may stay hydrated.
  • Adapt portion amounts to your appetite and calorie needs.
  • To acquire a wide array of nutrients, make sure to include a variety of veggies and legumes in your meals.
  • Refined grains should be avoided in favor of whole grains like brown rice and whole wheat.
  • Keep an eye on your protein consumption and, if necessary, change the portion sizes or dietary selections.
  • Consider seeking out individualized guidance from a nutritionist or dietitian to make sure you're achieving your unique fitness objectives.
  • This desi vegetarian diet plan is suitable for beginners looking to take roughly 150 grams of protein per day while keeping a traditional and delicious Indian diet because it offers a balanced combination of protein sources, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

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