shoulder exercises for Beginners Week 2

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"Week 2: Essential Shoulder Exercises for Gym Beginners."


Greetings to all, and welcome back to Shoulder Exercises for Beginners Week 2! Whether you are a first-timer or you dominated Week 1, get ready to step up your shoulder game. With the help of these workouts, you'll build strength and tone in your shoulder muscles, enabling you to face any challenge.

We're building on the foundation in Week 2. You'll keep experimenting with basic exercises to build flexibility and strength in the various shoulder regions. Make sure you incorporate these workouts into your regimen on a daily basis since consistency is essential.

Prepare to say goodbye to tense shoulders and welcome to an upper body that is more defined! Take note of your form and listen to your body as you set out on your trip. These are simple, beginner-friendly exercises, but it's important to begin slowly and build up to a desired level of intensity.

Now that you have your water bottle and your favorite music for working out on repeat, let's get started with Week 2 of Shoulder Exercises for Beginners. You'll be one step closer to reaching your fitness objectives and your shoulders will appreciate you for it!

Week 1 Recap 

Week 1 marked the start of the road toward chiseled, muscular shoulders, and it's safe to say that the adventure has already made us feel energised and determined. The basis for a promising fitness endeavor that focuses on both strength and flexibility was established during the first week of shoulder workouts.

The first shoulder exercises in our workouts were the fundamentals: shoulder presses, lateral raises, and front raises. These workouts focused on the main shoulder muscular groups, promoting growth and improving stability across the board. We had a burning feeling during these sessions, which was a positive indicator of development.

Week 1's most important component was including stretching routines. Stretching not only reduced stiffness after exercise but also increased our range of motion, helping us avoid injuries as we advance.

The principles we acquired in Week 1 will serve as a solid foundation as we continue on this fitness adventure. We will work to improve our shoulder game each week by pushing ourselves to the maximum and appreciating the sweat and tenacity it requires. Watch for Week 2 as we take baby steps, one rep at a time, toward our shoulder goals!

Week 2 Focus

Any fitness program's first week is frequently spent setting the groundwork and getting comfortable with the movements. However, Week 2 is when the true magic happens. This is the week when you start to test your limitations and introduce new difficulties using the knowledge and experience you've gained from Week 1. In this post, we'll examine the importance of Week 2 for a beginner's workout schedule with a focus on shoulder exercises.

Basic Shoulder Anatomy

  • It's vital to comprehend the fundamental structure of the shoulder before beginning the exercises. Three primary muscles make up the ball-and-socket joint in the shoulder:


  • The large muscles known as deltoids give the shoulder its rounded appearance. They are in charge of lifting and turning your arms.


  • This muscle runs along the top of the back and into the shoulders. It aids in shoulder blade elevation, depression, and retraction.

Rotator Cuff Muscles: 

  • The four muscles that make up the rotator cuff are crucial for shoulder mobility and injury prevention since they help to stabilize the shoulder joint.

Week 2, however, is when you can start to build on this foundation. Here's why it's crucial:

1.Progressive Overload: 

  • In order to see improvements in strength and muscle definition, it's important to gradually increase the resistance or intensity of your workouts. Week 2 is the perfect time to do this. You can begin by adding a bit more weight or performing an extra set or two compared to Week 1. This gradual increase in workload stimulates muscle growth and strength development.

2.Muscle Adaptation: 

  • Your muscles start adapting to new movements and exercises after the first week. By Week 2, your shoulder muscles will be more prepared for the exercises you're doing. This means you can challenge yourself with slightly more complex exercises or variations that target different parts of the shoulder, such as bent-over lateral raises or Arnold presses.

3.Improved Form Focus: 

  • After spending the first week learning the fundamentals, Week 2 gives you the chance to polish your form and technique. By paying attention to these aspects, you may guarantee that you're successfully working the muscles you want to work while lowering your risk of injury.

Introducing new difficulties

  • The best time to add additional shoulder exercises to your shoulder regimen is during week 2. Here are a few techniques to do that:

1.Variation in Exercises: 

  • In Week 2, you'll start incorporating a wider range of shoulder exercises. This variety not only prevents boredom but also ensures balanced muscle development. Exercises like lateral raises, front raises, and shoulder presses target different parts of the shoulder complex, providing a well-rounded workout.

2.Increased Repetitions and Sets: 

  • To encourage growth and strength, you'll begin to perform more repetitions and sets. Gradually increasing the workload promotes muscle endurance and stamina. However, it's crucial to maintain proper form to avoid injury.

3.Adjusted Rest Intervals: 

  • Week 2 may reduce the rest intervals between sets. Shorter breaks keep your heart rate elevated, increasing calorie burn and cardiovascular benefits. This shift towards more intensity contributes to overall fitness improvement.

4.Incorporating Resistance Bands: 

  • Resistance bands are an excellent addition in Week 2. They provide continuous tension throughout the range of motion, effectively challenging your shoulder muscles. Resistance bands also offer a low-impact option for those who need it.

List of Shoulder Exercises:

1.Lateral Raises

Any comprehensive upper body fitness program should include lateral rises, a basic and highly effective shoulder exercise. This specific exercise focuses mostly on the deltoid muscles, particularly the lateral or side section, which helps to develop wider, more defined shoulders. 

In lateral rises, dumbbells or resistance bands are carefully raised away from the body in a lateral motion until the arms are parallel to the floor. This straightforward but effective action helps to increase shoulder strength and stability while also enhancing the aesthetics of the shoulder. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned fitness fanatic, including lateral raises in your routine will help you develop powerful and contoured shoulders.

Benefits of Lateral Raises:

1.Shoulder Definition: 

  • Lateral raises primarily work the lateral deltoids, helping to create that desirable "capped" shoulder look. Well-developed shoulders can enhance your overall physique.

2.Improved Shoulder Strength: 

  • Strengthening the lateral deltoids can help improve shoulder stability, reducing the risk of injuries, especially during compound lifts like bench presses and overhead presses.

3.Functional Movement: 

  • Strong shoulders are essential for everyday activities like lifting, reaching, and carrying. Lateral raises can help improve your functional shoulder strength.

4.Balanced Physique: 

  • Incorporating lateral raises into your workout routine can help maintain balance in your upper body, preventing muscle imbalances and posture problems.

How to Perform Lateral Raises:

Starting Position: 

Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your sides while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure your palms are pointing inward.

Lift the Weights: 

Extend both arms out to the sides until they are shoulder height while maintaining your elbows slightly bent. All during the workout, keep your elbows slightly bent.

Reduce the Decline: 

Gradually return the weights to their initial position. Do not allow the weights to swing or jerk.


As you lift the weights, exhale, and as you lower them, inhale.

Formal advice: 

Maintain a solid core and a straight back. Steer clear of employing excessive momentum or leaning to the side. Pay attention to moving methodically and gradually.

Beginner's Guide for Week 2:

Beginning with a weight that enables you to complete the exercise with good technique is crucial for novices in their second week of working out at the gym. Here is a quick approach to adding lateral raises to your exercise routine:


Aim to practice lateral rises two to three times each week, with appropriate recovery in between.


To start your training regimen, perform three sets of lateral raises. You can gradually up the amount of sets as you advance.

Repetitions (Reps): 

Start with 10-12 repetitions per set. This range provides a balance between building strength and muscle endurance for beginners. If the weight feels too light after a couple of weeks, consider increasing it.

Rest Between Sets: 

Allow yourself 1-2 minutes of rest between sets to recover adequately.

Progressive Overload: 

To continually challenge your muscles, gradually increase the weight you lift as you become more comfortable with the exercise. It's essential to maintain proper form even as you increase the load.


Before starting your lateral raises, perform a brief warm-up for your shoulders. You can do this by rotating your arms and doing some gentle shoulder stretches.

Cool Down: 

  • After completing your lateral raises, stretch your shoulders to promote flexibility and reduce the risk of muscle tightness.

2.Dumbbell Shoulder Press

A crucial shoulder exercise that strengthens the deltoid muscles and promotes the growth of powerful, well-defined shoulders is the dumbbell shoulder press. During this exercise, dumbbells are hoisted from shoulder height to fully extended overhead. You become more balanced and stable while also having stronger shoulders as a result. 

Because you may adjust the weight and grip breadth to match your level of fitness and shoulder goals, the dumbbell shoulder press is adjustable. Regardless of whether your objectives are to enhance shoulder strength, shoulder endurance, or just tone your upper body, this exercise is a necessary part of any comprehensive shoulder training program.

Benefits of the Dumbbell Shoulder Press

1.Shoulder Development: 

  • The fundamental advantage of the dumbbell shoulder press is its capacity to develop broad, powerful shoulders muscles. You can create a balanced shoulder with the use of this exercise, which targets the anterior (front), lateral (side), and posterior (rear) deltoids.

2.Functional Strength: 

  • Strong shoulders are necessary for a number of daily tasks, including as reaching, pushing, and lifting. Dumbbell shoulder presses increase functional strength, which facilitates daily duties.

3.Core Engagement: 

  • This exercise strengthens and stabilizes your core by putting your core muscles to work stabilizing your body during movement.

4.Upper Body Stability: 

  • Dumbbell shoulder presses improve total upper body stability and posture since they call for balance and coordination.


  • This exercise can be done standing or sitting, with a variety of grip angles and postures to suit your fitness level and objectives.

The Dumbbell Shoulder Press: How to Do It:

To effectively execute the dumbbell shoulder press, adhere to the steps below:


  • A bench is optional, but you'll need a set of dumbbells.

2.Set up: 

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or sit on a bench with a back support. Each hand should hold a dumbbell at shoulder height with the palms facing front.


  • Extend your arms fully while pressing the dumbbells overhead without locking your elbows.
  • Keep your core active and keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Controlled motions are used to lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height.


  • Exhale as you raise the dumbbells overhead and inhale as you bring them back down to shoulder level while breathing.


  • Throughout the exercise, try to move in a controlled, fluid manner.
  • Week 2 total sets and repetitions for beginners in the gym:
  • In the second week of training, it's crucial for gym newcomers to concentrate on perfect form and gradually raise the intensity of their workouts. The following exercise program is suggested for including the dumbbell shoulder press:

Total Sets: 3 sets

  • Repetitions (Reps) per Set: Start with 8-10 reps per set.

Tips for Gym Beginners:

  • 1.Begin with light weights to get comfortable with the movement.
  • 2.Pay close attention to your form to prevent injury. If you're unsure about your form, consider working with a trainer.
  • 3.Gradually increase the weight and/or reps as you progress in your training.
  • 4.Allow your muscles to rest between sets (about 60-90 seconds) to maximize strength gains.

3. Upright Rows

For the purpose of creating a balanced and well-defined upper body, the rear deltoids, which are occasionally overlooked in standard shoulder exercises, are crucial. When it comes to effectively targeting this muscle group and enhancing shoulder aesthetics and functionality, the "Rear Band Over" exercise is a game-changer. 

In this dynamic exercise, resistance bands are cleverly used to specifically target and strengthen the rear deltoids. By focusing on this occasionally overlooked area, people can improve their posture, reduce their risk of shoulder problems, and achieve a more symmetrical physique. This post will go through the benefits and mechanics of the rear band over workout so you can get the most out of your shoulder exercises.

Benefits of Upright Rows:

The deltoid muscles in your shoulders are the primary target of upright rows, a compound exercise. But they also work the trapezius, biceps, and upper back, among other muscle groups. The following are some major advantages of including upright rows in your exercise program:

1.Shoulder Development: 

  • Building strong, well-defined shoulders is a great benefit of upright rows, especially for the front and lateral deltoids.

2.Upper Back Engagement: 

  • This exercise helps improve upper back strength and posture by targeting the trapezius muscles.

3.Bicep Activation: 

  • Upright rows engage your biceps, providing a secondary benefit for your arm muscles.

4.Functional Strength: 

  • As a compound movement, upright rows simulate real-life activities that require lifting objects towards your body, enhancing functional strength.
Let's move on to the proper technique for upright rows now:

Performing Upright Rows:

Starting Position:  

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart in the starting position. With an overhand grip and your hands towards your body, hold a barbell or some dumbbells in front of your thighs. The distance between your hands should be just a hair wider than shoulder width.

Lift the Weight: 

  • Exhale as you bring the weight towards your chin while keeping your back straight and chest raised. Throughout the exercise, keep the barbell or dumbbells close to your torso.

Elbow Position: 

  • Your elbows should be in a "T" position with the rest of your body when you lift the weight.

Peak Contraction: 

  • Pause briefly to feel the contraction in your shoulders and upper back as the weight reaches just below your chin.

Drop the Weight: 

  • Extend your arms fully while keeping control as you drop the weight back to the starting position.


  • The desired number of repetitions should be carried out.

Total Sets and Repetitions for Gym Beginners in Week 2:

For gym beginners in their second week of training, it's important to focus on proper form and gradually increase the intensity. Here's a recommended routine for upright rows:

Total Sets: 

  • Aim for 3 sets of upright rows in your workout.

Repetitions (Reps): 

  • Begin with 10-12 reps per set. Use a weight that allows you to complete these reps with good form while feeling challenged but not overwhelmed.

Rest Between Sets: 

  • Rest for approximately 60-90 seconds between sets. This rest interval allows for muscle recovery without losing the intensity of your workout.

Safety Tips:

  • Start with a light weight to practice the correct form before gradually increasing the load.
  • If you experience any discomfort or pain in your shoulders or wrists, consider using an alternative exercise or consulting a fitness professional for guidance.
  • Maintain proper posture throughout the exercise to prevent strain on your lower back.

4.Rear band over

For the purpose of creating a balanced and well-defined upper body, the rear deltoids, which are occasionally overlooked in standard shoulder exercises, are crucial. When it comes to effectively targeting this muscle group and enhancing shoulder aesthetics and functionality, the "Rear Band Over" exercise is a game-changer.

In this dynamic exercise, resistance bands are cleverly used to specifically target and strengthen the rear deltoids. By focusing on this occasionally overlooked area, people can improve their posture, reduce their risk of shoulder problems, and achieve a more symmetrical physique. This post will go through the benefits and mechanics of the rear band over workout so you can get the most out of your shoulder exercises.

The Benefits of Rear Band Over

An armband Overtraining most frequently affects the muscles in the upper back, shoulders, and arms. It offers several advantages to new gym members, such as these:

1.Better Posture: 

  • Rear Band Over aids in developing the muscles of the upper back, which can enhance posture. To avoid muscular imbalances and lower the risk of injury, good posture is essential.

2.Upper Body Strength: 

  • The Rear Band Over is a compound exercise that works the rear deltoids, traps, and triceps at the same time. This encourages the development of overall upper body strength.

3.Health of the Shoulder: 

  • By focusing on the back deltoids, this exercise may help to promote balanced shoulder growth and maybe lessen the likelihood of future shoulder ailments.

4.Enhanced Shoulder Mobility: 

  • The Rear Band with requires a controlled range of motion, which with time can improve shoulder mobility. For good form in a variety of other activities, increased mobility is crucial.

How to Perform the Rear Band Over

Before trying the Rear Band Over, make certain you have the necessary equipment, such as resistance bands. Follow the steps below to complete the exercise correctly:

1.Set Up: 

  • At chest level, a secure anchor point should be used to secure a resistance band. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and face away from the anchor.

2.Grip the Band: 

  • Reach behind you and get hold of the resistance band with your palms facing down. Your hands should be separated from each other by a bit more than shoulder width.

3.Start Position: 

  • Stand tall with your knees slightly bent. Keep your core tight, shoulders back, and chest high.


  • Bring your hands forward toward your body as you pull the band forward and higher. End with your arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. The top of the action should be with your hands shoulder-width apart.


  • Reverse the motion slowly, carefully bringing your hands back to the beginning position. As you do this, concentrate on pressing your shoulder blades together.

Recommended Sets and Reps for Newcomers to the Gym in Week Two

To lay a strong foundation without overexerting themselves, gym newcomers in their second week of training must begin with moderate sets and reps. A suggested routine is as follows:

Three sets.

  • Reps: ten to twelve per set
  • Rest: To allow for recovery, take a 60–90 second break in between sets.
  • At this point, lifting hefty weights is not as vital as using perfect form and controlled motions. To make sure you're doing the Rear Band Over properly and safely, it's also a good idea to speak with a fitness coach or trainer.

5.Reverse pec dec fly

Targeting the rear deltoid muscles, the Reverse Pec Dec Fly is a dynamic and efficient shoulder exercises. The primary goal of this isolated exercise, which may be done while seated or standing with a customized machine, is to strengthen the posterior deltoids. People can strengthen their shoulders, correct their posture, and add to a well-rounded shoulder development program by performing this activity in regulated repetitions. 

Benefits of Reverse Pec Dec Fly

1.Targeted Rear Deltoid Development: 

  • The Reverse Pec Dec Fly is one of the most effective exercises for isolating and strengthening the rear deltoid muscles, which are often underdeveloped in many individuals.

2.Shoulder Symmetry: 

  • Developing the rear deltoids alongside the front and side deltoids helps create balanced shoulder development, enhancing overall shoulder aesthetics.

3.Improved Posture: 

  • Strong rear deltoids play a crucial role in maintaining good posture by assisting in the retraction of the shoulder blades.By doing this, the chance of shoulder injuries and upper back pain can be decreased.

4.Enhanced Shoulder Function: 

  • Strong rear deltoids contribute to improved shoulder stability, making daily activities and other compound exercises safer and more efficient.

How to Perform Reverse Pec Dec Fly

1.Setting Up: 

  • To start, adjust the Pec Dec machine's seat and handles to your body type. Your chest should be firmly placed into the pad while you sit with your back flat against it. Your arms should be parallel to the floor and slightly bent as you adjust the handles.


  • Keep an overhand grip on the handles with your palms facing down for the duration of the exercise.


  • Exhale as you slowly and deliberately pull the handles back, tucking your shoulder blades together. Focus on tightening the back deltoids rather than using too much momentum or swinging the weights.


  • Breathe out as you gently return to the starting posture while maintaining your balance. Avoid letting the weights touch and keep your elbows slightly bent to maintain stress on the back deltoids.


  • Strive to move through the entire range of motion, contracting your back deltoids at the peak of the movement. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Total Sets and Reps for Gym Beginners in Week 2

In the second week of training, it's crucial for gym newcomers to concentrate on perfect form and gradually raise the intensity of their workouts. Here is a suggested exercise regimen that includes Reverse Pec Dec. Fly into your exercise for week two:


  • Include Reverse Pec Dec in frequency Depending on your overall training split, you can perform your shoulder exercise once or twice a week.


  • Start with two reverse pec dec fly sets. For beginners to develop strength and adjust to the workout, this is a manageable amount.


  • Aim for 10–12 repetitions for each set. Choose a weight that allows you to complete these repetitions while maintaining perfect form. As you get stronger, you can gradually increase the weight and reps.


  • Take a 60-90 second break in between sets to give your muscles time to rest.


  • Before starting your workout, engage in some light cardio and dynamic stretches. Practice a few light reverse pec dec exercises. Fly with even lighter weights to prepare your shoulder muscles for the main workout.

6.Cool Down: 

  • To promote flexibility and reduce the possibility of soreness, cool down by executing static shoulder stretches once your sets are finished.

6. Shrugs

The basic shoulder exercise known as the shrug targets and strengthens the muscles that surround the shoulders and upper back. Lifting your shoulders in the direction of your ears while doing this functional action works the trapezius muscles and improves posture.

Shrugs are a useful supplement to your exercise program whether you're a fitness fanatic aiming to develop a well-rounded shoulder routine or seeking relief from shoulder discomfort. We'll go through the advantages, ideal form, and several versions of this crucial exercise in this short instruction.

Benefits of Shrugs

Shrugs are a simple yet incredibly efficient workout for strengthening your trapezius muscles. The following are some major advantages of include shrugs in your fitness regimen:

1. Better Posture

  • Proper posture is mostly dependent on strong trapezius muscles. You can lessen the likelihood of slumping or hunching your shoulders, which can cause neck and back pain, by strengthening these muscles.

2.Enhancement of Shoulder Stability

  • By bolstering the upper trapezius fibers, shrugs aid in increasing the shoulder stability. This additional stability can lower the risk of shoulder injuries and is essential for many upper body actions.

3. Optimism

  • A balanced and striking appearance to your upper body can be achieved with well-developed trapezius muscles. Many fitness enthusiasts strive for a V-shaped torso, thus developing strong traps might aid in this.

4. Practical Power

  • Strong trapezius muscles contribute to functional strength in addition to being attractive. Strong traps can ease the strain and reduce the risk of injury when lifting big objects or carrying out daily tasks.

Shrugs: How to Do Them Right

To get the most out of shrugs and avoid harm, it's important to perform them correctly. To perform shrugs properly, adhere to following steps:

1. Be erect

  • To begin, stand straight-backed with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your lower back curving naturally, and contract your abs.

2. Pick up the Weights

  • Take an overhand grip on a barbell or hold a dumbbell in each hand. Your arms should be completely stretched and rest by your sides.

3. Shrug

  • Lift your shoulders as high as you can, straight up toward your ears, to begin the movement. At the apex of the action, concentrate on compressing your traps.

4. Lower Gradually

  • Controlled shoulder retraction is necessary. Throughout the workout, try to keep your back straight and your head from looking forward.

5. Repeat 

  • Complete the required number of repetitions while keeping good form the whole set.

Week 2 total sets and reps for beginners in the gym

  • It's crucial to start with a manageable burden for novices who are just beginning their gym trip in week 2 in order to prevent overtraining and any injuries. Here is an example week 2 training plan for beginners that includes shrugs:
  • Exercise with barbell or dumbbell shrugs in Week 2's shrugs routine.
  • Three sets altogether.
  • 10–12 repetitions are performed in each set.

Advice for beginners:

  • Start with a little to moderate weight to ensure proper form and to help you get the hang of the workout.
  • Place an emphasis on controlled movements and the connection between the mind and the body. You should feel your traps working as you finish each exercise.
  • Give your muscles at least one day to recover in between shoulder-specific workouts.

Progression and Goals:

Any comprehensive fitness program must include shoulder exercises because they aid to increase the upper body's strength and mobility. If you want to get the most out of these exercises, you must understand the ideas of development and goal-setting. You can apply these tips to your shoulder training regimen whether you're a novice or a seasoned gym goer to assist you achieve excellent results.


In order to gradually increase the level of difficulty, time, or intensity, shoulder exercises are progressed. You can use heavier weights, more repetitions, sets, or demanding workouts to accomplish this. As a result of the body's gradual adaptation to stress, progression is crucial to preventing plateaus and preserving advantages.


Effective shoulder exercises start with setting specific, attainable goals. Whether you want to improve your shoulder mobility, boost your strength, or gain muscle, having specific goals will keep you motivated and focused. Create your objectives using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria. For instance, over the course of three months, you might opt to add 10% extra weight to your overhead press reps.


What shoulder exercises ought to I focus on throughout my second week of exercise?

  • Focus on basic shoulder workouts including shoulder presses, lateral lifts, and front raises in your second week. These movements strengthen various shoulder muscle groups and provide a strong foundation for additional exercises.

In week two, how much weight should I use for shoulder exercises?

  • Start with mild to moderate weights so you can complete each exercise for 10–12 reps while maintaining perfect technique. To prevent damage as a beginner, it's critical to put technique before high weights.

Should I include any warm-up exercises specifically for my shoulders?

  • Yes, warm-up your shoulder muscles before your workout. Perform arm circles, shoulder rolls, and dynamic stretches to increase blood flow and prepare your shoulders for the upcoming exercises.

Is it normal to feel soreness in my shoulders during the second week of training?

  • Yes, some muscle soreness is normal, especially if you're new to shoulder exercises. It's a sign that your muscles are adapting. Ensure you're allowing enough time for recovery between workouts and consider light stretching or foam rolling to alleviate soreness.

Are there any safety precautions I should be aware of when doing shoulder exercises in week 2?

  • Safety is paramount. Pay attention to your form, maintain a neutral spine, and avoid using momentum to lift weights. If you experience pain (other than normal muscle soreness), stop the exercise immediately and consult a fitness professional or medical expert for guidance.
After completing two weeks of shoulder exercises as a gym rookie, it is evident that perseverance pays off.You've probably noticed some initial gains in shoulder strength and mobility throughout this time. To avoid injury and ensure long-term success, keep good form, gradually raise weights, and give rest priority. To attain your intended shoulder goals as you continue your fitness journey, stay dedicated, keep motivated, and seek advice from a fitness specialist.

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