Best triceps workout Plan Week 3

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 "Triumph in Tone: Unleash Your Arm Power with This Triceps Titan Workout!"


Welcome to Week 3 of the Best Triceps Workout Plan, where we embark on a transformative journey to sculpt powerful and defined triceps. As we progress, the focus intensifies to ensure maximum gains in strength, tone, and overall arm aesthetics. This week's regimen blends strategic exercises to target the triceps from multiple angles, fostering both muscle growth and endurance.

Our carefully curated routine incorporates compound movements and isolation exercises, optimizing the activation of triceps muscles. We emphasize progressive overload, challenging you to surpass your previous limits and elevate your fitness aspirations. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a newcomer seeking to enhance arm strength, Week 3 promises innovation and intensity. 

Get ready to push your boundaries, embrace the burn, and witness the remarkable transformation of your triceps. This week is a pivotal step toward achieving your fitness goals and unlocking the full potential of your upper body strength.

Recap of Weeks 1 and 2

Week 1 Highlights:

Kickstarting with Basics: 

  • Commenced the triceps workout journey by focusing on fundamental exercises like triceps dips and pushdowns.

Mind-Muscle Connection: 

  • Emphasized the importance of establishing a strong mind-muscle connection to optimize triceps engagement during workouts.

Volume and Consistency: 

  • Stressed the significance of consistent training volume, gradually increasing intensity to avoid overexertion.

Nutrition Check: 

  • Introduced the idea of supporting triceps development with a balanced diet, ensuring an adequate protein intake for muscle repair and growth.

Week 2 development:

Diversified workouts: 

  • To target various muscle fibers, a range of triceps workouts were investigated, including skull crushers, close-grip bench presses, and overhead triceps extensions.

Progressive Overload: 

  • Introduced the idea of progressive overload, which involves gradually increasing weights and resistance to put the triceps to the test and promote growth.

Recovery Techniques: 

  • Emphasized the significance of rest days and recovery techniques, such as sufficient sleep and water, to maximize the body's capacity for triceps muscle growth and repair.

Form Refinement: 

  • Refined form was emphasized in order to ensure that the right muscles were activated and to prevent injuries during triceps exercises.

Community Support:  

  • Investigated the advantages of joining fitness communities or finding a workout partner for accountability and motivation.

Looking Ahead:

  • As we wrap up Weeks 1 and 2, it's crucial to celebrate progress, stay consistent, and remain open to adjustments. The journey to stronger and sculpted triceps is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay tuned for Week 3 as we delve into advanced triceps workouts and refining our training approach for optimal results.

Importance of Week 3:

1.Balanced Muscle Development: 

  • Week 3 marks a pivotal stage in your fitness journey, and focusing on triceps workouts ensures a well-rounded approach to muscle development. Neglecting triceps can lead to imbalances in arm strength and hinder overall progress.

2.Enhanced Functional Strength: 

  • As you progress into Week 3, incorporating triceps exercises enhances your functional strength. Strong triceps are essential for various daily activities and contribute significantly to improved athletic performance.

3. Aesthetics and Definition: 

  • The results become apparent in Week 3. Triceps exercises contribute to a toned and attractive body by helping to define and sculpt the arms. Biceps and well-developed triceps work well together to create a symmetrical and attractive look.

4. Joint Health: 

  • Exercises targeting the triceps are essential for preserving joint health, particularly in the elbows. By stabilizing the elbow joint, strengthening these muscles lowers the chance of injury and ensures that your fitness journey lasts a long time.

5.Increased Metabolism: 

  • Workouts targeting your triceps can increase your metabolism in Week 3. Because the triceps are big muscles, training them increases calorie expenditure, which helps with fat loss and improves overall body composition.

6. Variety of Exercise Options: 

  • You should mix up your workout routine in week three. Try varying up your triceps exercises, including as close-grip bench press, overhead triceps extension, and triceps dips, to keep your workouts challenging and engaging.

7. Enhanced Pushing Power: 

  • Pushing activities require the quadriceps. You may improve your general upper body strength and do exercises like bench presses and push-ups more successfully if you strengthen them.

The Best Triceps Exercises for Week 3:

1.One-arm Overhead Triceps Extension
An efficient and focused triceps exercise that isolates and tones the upper arm muscles is the one-arm overhead triceps extension. Using your triceps, you will lift and lower the weight of a dumbbell with one arm throughout this exercise. It corrects muscular imbalances, enhances stability, and uses the core for balance by focusing solely on one arm. 

The deliberate action enhances the overall definition of the arms in addition to adding bulk to the triceps. Your training program will benefit from the One-arm Overhead Triceps Extension as it will increase your functional strength, rounded arm, and range of motion.


1. Improved Tricep Strength and Definition: 

  • The primary goal of this exercise is to improve the triceps brachii muscle's strength and definition.

2. Improved Stability: 

  • By taxing your core and stabilizing muscles, the unilateral nature of the one-arm overhead triceps extension improves your balance and stability.

3. Expanding Range of Motion: 

  • You may employ a wider range of motion when performing the exercise from a higher posture, which makes sure that your triceps are fully stretched and tightened for the maximum amount of muscle growth.

4. Flexibility: 

  • This exercise can be customized to match different fitness levels and equipment availability by using a range of equipment, including dumbbells, kettlebells, or cables.

How to Perform the One-Arm Overhead Triceps Extension:

Equipment needed: 

  • A dumbbell


1.Beginning Point:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Hold a dumbbell in one hand with an overhand grip.
  • Raise the dumbbell overhead with your arm fully extended.


  • Lower the dumbbell behind your head while bending your elbows.
  • Keep your upper arm motionless and only move your forearm.
  • Return your arm to the starting position while your triceps are fully tensed.


  • Perform the desired number of reps on one arm before switching to the other.


  • Inhale as you lower the dumbbell.
  • Exhale as you extend your arm.

Total Sets and Repetitions:

  • For beginners, start with 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions per arm. As you progress, you can increase the sets and reps to challenge your triceps further.

Tips for Success:

Controlled Movements: 

  • To maximize muscle engagement and lower the chance of injury, make sure to move slowly and deliberately throughout the exercise.

Appropriate Weight: 

  • Pick a weight that pushes you but still enables you to keep good form. For each set, adjust the weight as necessary.


  • Give a proper warm-up first priority to get your muscles ready for the rigors of this activity. 
  • It is advised to perform light triceps activation workouts and dynamic stretches.

2.Triceps Kickbacks

Triceps Kickbacks, a dynamic triceps workout, stand as a sculpting cornerstone in the realm of arm exercises. This isolation movement targets the triceps' three heads with precision, emphasizing tone and definition. Executed by extending the arm fully backward against resistance, it engages the entire triceps brachii, fostering strength and aesthetic appeal. 

As a go-to exercise for those craving a chiseled upper arm profile, Triceps Kickbacks provide a potent solution. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a seasoned gym-goer, incorporating this exercise into your routine promises a pathway to triceps excellence and overall arm prowess. Get ready to kick back and redefine arm strength!

Benefits of Triceps Kickbacks:

Targeted Triceps Engagement:

  • Triceps Kickbacks primarily target the triceps brachii, the three-headed muscle at the back of your arms. This isolation ensures maximum muscle engagement and growth.

Definition and Tone:

  • By effectively isolating the triceps, kickbacks contribute to the development of lean muscle mass, promoting definition and tone in the arms.


  • Unlike some compound exercises, Triceps Kickbacks are relatively joint-friendly. The controlled, focused movement reduces stress on the elbows and shoulders.


  • Triceps Kickbacks can be performed with dumbbells, cables, or resistance bands, making them a versatile addition to any workout routine.

Instructions for Triceps Kickbacks:


  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand while standing with your feet shoulder-width apart.


  • With your back straight, hinge at your hips and slant forward. Your torso ought to be nearly perpendicular to the ground.

3.Elbow Position: 

  • Keep your elbows close to your body and bend them 90 degrees. Your starting point is here.


  • Straighten your arms behind you while contracting your triceps. Make sure your upper arms stay still during the exercise.

5.Squeeze and Return: 

  • With your arms fully extended, squeeze your triceps for a brief period of time before slowly coming back to the beginning position.

Total Sets and Number of Reps:

For an effective Triceps Kickback session, aim for:
  • Sets: 3 to 4 sets
  • Reps: 10 to 15 reps per set
Adjust the weight of the dumbbells to ensure that the last few reps of each set are challenging but still allow for proper form. Remember, quality trumps quantity.

Tips for Success:

1.Maintain Proper Form: 

  • Ensure your upper arms are stationary throughout the movement, and focus on contracting the triceps at the top of the extension.

2.Control the Weight: 

  • Avoid using momentum. Control the movement both on the way up and on the way down to fully engage the triceps.

3.Appropriate Weight: 

  • Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to maintain proper form. If the weight is too heavy, you risk using improper technique and may strain the muscles or joints.


  • Exhale as you extend your arms and inhale as you return to the starting position.


  • Always warm up your muscles before starting your triceps workout to prevent injury and improve flexibility.

3.Seated EZ Bar Skull Crusher:

The Seated EZ Bar Skull Crusher is a potent triceps workout that hones in on sculpting those coveted arm muscles. As you gracefully lower the EZ bar towards your skull, the triceps undergo a targeted engagement, fostering strength and definition. This exercise not only builds impressive arm aesthetics but also enhances functional upper body strength. 

The seated position ensures stability, allowing you to focus solely on isolating the triceps, making it a staple in any comprehensive arm workout routine. Elevate your fitness journey with this skillful movement, unlocking the path to powerful and well-defined triceps.

Benefits of Seated EZ Bar Skull Crushers:

1.Isolation of Triceps:

  • Seated EZ Bar Skull Crushers provide excellent isolation of the triceps, targeting all three heads of the muscle—lateral, long, and medial. This isolation is crucial for developing balanced and well-defined triceps.

2.Muscle Activation:

  • The unique angle and movement of the exercise ensure maximum muscle activation in the triceps. This results in efficient muscle recruitment, fostering growth and strength development.

3.Joint Friendly:

  • Unlike some other triceps exercises, the Seated EZ Bar Skull Crusher is relatively joint-friendly. The seated position reduces strain on the lower back and ensures better stability during the movement.


  • This exercise can be easily modified to target different parts of the triceps by adjusting the grip on the EZ bar. A closer grip places more emphasis on the long head, while a wider grip emphasizes the lateral head.

Seated EZ Bar Skull Crushers: How to Do Them:

To perform Seated EZ Bar Skull Crushers properly, take the following actions:


  • Using an EZ bar that is loaded with the proper weight, sit on a flat bench.
  • Palms facing forward, hold the bar with hands somewhat closer together than shoulder width.

2.Reduce the Bar:

  • Bending your elbows will help you lower the bar to the top of your head.
  • Keep your upper arms still and parallel to the floor at all times.

3.Movement Under Control:

  • When it is just above your forehead, lower the bar.
  • To prevent putting extra strain on the elbow joints, make sure the movement is controlled.


  • Without locking out your elbows, extend your arms and press the bar back to the beginning position.


  • Maintain good form throughout the specified number of repetitions.

Total Sets and Reps:

Include Seated EZ Bar Skull Crushers with the following instructions in your triceps workout for best results:
  • 3 to 4 sets.
  • 10–12 repetitions per set.
Make sure the weight you select enables you to keep your form correct throughout the workout. Always start with a lesser weight and raise it gradually as you get more accustomed to the exercise.

Tips for Success:

1.Mindful Control: 

  • Focus on controlled movements throughout the exercise. Avoid using momentum or swinging the bar, as this can diminish the effectiveness of the workout.

2.Proper Form: 

  • Ensure your elbows stay in a fixed position, pointing straight up throughout the movement. This maintains the emphasis on the triceps and minimizes strain on the elbows.

3.Appropriate Weight: 

  • Start with a lighter weight to master the form before progressing to heavier loads. Form should always take precedence over lifting heavy.


  • Prioritize a thorough warm-up to prepare the triceps, elbows, and surrounding muscles for the intensity of the exercise.


  • Include the Seated EZ Bar Skull Crusher consistently in your triceps training routine to see sustained results over time.

4.Dumbbell Side Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Side Triceps Extension is a targeted triceps workout that hones in on sculpting strong, defined arms. This exercise involves extending a dumbbell overhead while keeping the upper arm stationary, isolating the triceps for maximum engagement. As you smoothly lower the weight beside your head, the lateral aspect of the triceps experiences an intense contraction, fostering both strength and tone. 

This versatile exercise not only promotes arm aesthetics but also enhances overall upper body functionality. Incorporating Dumbbell Side Triceps Extensions into your routine adds a dynamic dimension to your triceps training, contributing to a well-rounded and powerful physique.

Benefits of Dumbbell Side Triceps Extension:

1.Isolation of the Triceps: 

  • This exercise specifically targets the triceps muscle, ensuring focused and effective engagement to promote muscle growth.

2.Improved Definition: 

  • Dumbbell Side Triceps Extensions contribute to sculpting the horseshoe shape of the triceps, enhancing the overall appearance of your arms.

3.Joint Stability: 

  • Performing this exercise helps enhance shoulder and elbow joint stability, contributing to better overall upper body function.

4.Variety in Training: 

  • Adding variety to your workout routine is essential for continuous progress. The Dumbbell Side Triceps Extension provides an alternative to traditional triceps exercises, keeping your routine diverse and engaging.

Using dumbbells, perform a side tricep extension:

To ensure successful execution, follow these steps:

1.Starting Position: 

  • Sit with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Hold a dumbbell in one hand.

2.Arm Positioning: 

  • Holding the dumbbell with a neutral grip—palms facing one another—raise it overhead. 
  • You should have a 90-degree bend in your elbow.


  • The term "extending" refers to slowly extending your arm while lifting the dumbbell and keeping your elbow from locking up. Make certain that your upper arm stays horizontal.

4.Controlled Descent: 

  • Slowly lower the dumbbell to its starting position.


  • Finish all required reps on one arm before transferring to the other.

Total sets and repetitions:

For optimum results, incorporate dumbbell side triceps extensions into your triceps workout routine. For each arm, aim for three to four sets of 10 to 12 reps. You can gradually add weight as you get better while still keeping appropriate technique.

Tips For Success

  • To increase muscle engagement and reduce the risk of injury, concentrate on precise, controlled actions.
  • The ideal weight is one that challenges you while allowing you to maintain proper form for the duration of the full set.
  • As you raise your arm, exhale, and as you lower the weight, inhale. Your core will become more stable, which will enhance your overall performance.
  • Keep your back straight and your core engaged throughout the activity to maintain proper posture.


  • Always begin your triceps workout with a good warm-up to get your muscles and joints ready for the demands of this exercise.

5.Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back

The Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back is a dynamic triceps workout that hones in on sculpting strong and defined arms. This exercise targets the triceps brachii, emphasizing unilateral movement for balanced muscle development. 

By utilizing a cable machine, you engage in a controlled extension, isolating the triceps while maintaining tension throughout the entire range of motion. This not only promotes muscle growth but also enhances overall arm strength and stability. 

Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a seasoned lifter, incorporating Single-Arm Cable Kick-Backs into your routine adds a versatile dimension to your triceps training, fostering both strength and aesthetic appeal.

Single-Arm Cable Kick-Backs's advantages include:

1.Targeted Triceps Engagement: 

  • The triceps are the main target of Single-Arm Cable Kick-Backs. Through intense muscle engagement made possible by this isolation, muscular growth is improved.

2.Increased Muscle Definition: 

  • By focusing just on the triceps, this exercise helps to shape and define the back of the arms, giving them a toned appearance.

Stabilizer Muscle Activation: 

  • Single-Arm Cable Kick-Backs activate stabilizer muscles, improving overall muscle balance and lowering the possibility of imbalances or injuries.


  • This exercise can easily adapted to fit people of various fitness levels. Its effectiveness can be maximized for both novice and expert gym attendees by adjusting the weight and cable height.

How to Perform Single-Arm Cable Kick-Backs:

1.Set Up:

  • Attach a single-handled cable to the low pulley of a cable machine.
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the machine.
  • Grab the handle with one hand, and position yourself at a comfortable distance from the machine.


  • Start with a bent elbow, keeping it close to your body.
  • Extend your arm fully, pushing the handle back while keeping your upper arm stationary.
  • Contract your triceps at the end of the movement.
  • Slowly return to the starting position.

3.Common mistakes to avoid:

  • Avoid lifting the weight with momentum or excessive swinging.
  • Throughout the movement, maintain a stable torso.
  • Move with control and purpose to make sure all of your muscles are working.

Total sets and repetitions:

For optimal results, incorporate Single-Arm Cable Kick-Backs into your triceps routine as described below:
  • Total sets: 3 to 4 sets
  • ten to fifteen reps for each round of exercises
Allow 60 to 90 seconds of pause between sets to allow for adequate recovery while maintaining intensity.

Tips for Success:

1.Mind-Muscle Connection: 

  • Focus on establishing a strong mind-muscle connection. Visualize your triceps contracting with each repetition to enhance muscle engagement.

2.Maintain Proper Form: 

  • Keep your back straight, and avoid excessive body movement. This ensures that the triceps bear the brunt of the exercise, preventing unnecessary strain on other muscle groups.

3.Gradual Progression: 

  • Start with a moderate weight and gradually increase it as your strength improves. Avoid using momentum; instead, prioritize controlled and deliberate movements.

4.Full Range of Motion: 

  • Maximize the effectiveness of each repetition by utilizing a full range of motion. Ensure your arm fully extends behind you and returns to the starting position with control.

5.Breathing Technique: 

  • Exhale during the exertion phase (when extending your arm) and inhale during the return phase. This helps stabilize your core and maintain focus throughout the exercise.

6.Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown

The Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown is a dynamic triceps workout that focuses on the frequently-ignored upper arm muscles, encouraging strength and development. In this exercise, an overhand grip is used on a cable machine, emphasizing the triceps' involvement as you press the bar downward against resistance. 

The exercise favors balanced muscular development by applying special tension to the lateral and medial heads of the triceps through the use of a reverse grip. This version is a good option for people looking for thorough triceps training because it not only improves functional strength but also adds to aesthetic arm sculpting.


1.Targeted Tricep Engagement:

  • The reverse grip places unique emphasis on the lateral head of the triceps, contributing to a more balanced and comprehensive arm development.

2.Reduced Elbow Strain:

  • Compared to traditional tricep exercises, the reverse grip tricep pushdown minimizes stress on the elbow joints, making it a suitable option for individuals with joint concerns.

3.Increased Range of Motion:

  • The reverse grip allows for a deeper stretch and a more extended range of motion, ensuring optimal muscle activation throughout the entire tricep.

Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown Technique:

1.Install the Cable Machine: 

  • Fasten a straight or angled bar to the cable machine's high pulley. To create a suitable resistance, adjust the weight.

2.Hold the Bar with Palms Up: 

  • While facing the cable machine, take a supinated (palms up) hold on the bar. Your hands should remain shoulder-width apart.

3.Stance and Posture: 

  • Maintain a steady posture with your feet set shoulder-width apart. Maintain a small bend in your knees and maintain core stability.

4.Execute the Movement: 

  • Extend your elbows and lower the bar toward the floor. Aim to contract your triceps at the movement's base. To isolate the triceps efficiently, minimize excessive body movement.

5.Controlled Return: 

  • Slowly raise the bar back to its starting position while maintaining control all the way through the motion.

Total sets performed and repetitions made:

Consider using the Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown in your triceps workout with the following recommendations for best results:
  • Sets total: 3–4 sets
  • 10-15 repetitions per set of exercises
It's important to choose a weight that pushes you to perform the recommended number of reps while yet allowing for perfect form. You can progressively raise the resistance as you get stronger to keep your triceps guessing.

Tips for Success:

1.Mind-Muscle Connection: 

  • Focus on contracting the triceps throughout the movement. Visualize the muscles working to enhance the mind-muscle connection.

2.Controlled Movements: 

  • Maintain a slow and controlled pace, emphasizing the eccentric (lowering) phase to maximize muscle engagement.

3.Appropriate Weight: 

  • Choose a weight that challenges you without sacrificing form. It's better to start light and gradually increase to avoid injuries.


  • Prioritize a thorough warm-up to prepare your joints and muscles for the intensity of this exercise.

5.Rest Periods: 

  • Allow adequate rest between sets, typically 1-2 minutes, to optimize muscle recovery and performance.
As you wrap up Week 3 of your triceps workout plan, celebrate the progress you've made and the strength you've discovered within. Embrace the burn as a testament to your dedication and growth. Remember, it's not just about sculpting muscles; it's about forging resilience and discipline. Every rep is a step closer to the best version of yourself. So, as you rest and recharge for the upcoming challenges, carry this momentum forward. The journey to powerful triceps mirrors the journey to a powerful you—steady, consistent, and filled with the triumph of pushing beyond limits. Keep pushing, and let your strength shine!

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