Best Triceps Workout Plan Week 2

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"Tri-Tastic Triceps: Sculpt Your Arms to Perfection with this Killer Workout!"


Beginners in the gym, welcome to week two of your workout regimen! Now that you've started down the path of being healthier and stronger, it's time to focus on one particular muscle group: the triceps. We'll expose you to a crucial component of upper body strength and appeal this week.

Pushing, lifting, and extending your arms all need the use of your triceps, which are found at the back of your upper arm. Not only can developing your triceps make your arms look better overall, but it also increases your functional strength for daily activities.Strengthening your triceps not only enhances the overall appearance of your arms but also boosts your functional strength for everyday tasks.

The focus of this week's triceps workout will be on moves best suited for novices. We'll go over the proper techniques, stress the importance of form, and gradually increase the intensity to help you develop those gorgeous arm muscles. This week's triceps exercise can help you achieve your goals, whether they be toning up, gaining more strength, or enhancing your athletic performance.

The second week of our amusing and enjoyable journey to a stronger, healthier you has started. So gather your exercise equipment and get ready to develop your triceps.

Benefits of Triceps Workouts 

1.Strengthened Arms:

  • Arm strength is one of the most noticeable results of triceps exercises. The elbow joint, which is involved in nearly every pushing motion you make, is extended by the triceps.
  • Strong triceps are necessary for producing power and retaining control when performing any type of exercise, whether it is bench pressing, opening a heavy door, or lifting a big object. Regular triceps exercise can considerably increase your arm strength overall, making daily chores simpler and easier to handle.

2.Better Aesthetics

  • The appearance of your arms can be significantly improved by having well-defined triceps. Strong, well-formed triceps help you look balanced and give your arms the appearance of being larger and more defined. Your arm muscles may become unbalanced if you neglect your triceps.

3.A higher level of functional fitness

  • Triceps exercises enhance your functional fitness in addition to your attractiveness. When pushing anything, lifting something, pushing a car, or doing a push-up, strong triceps are a need. 
  • By building up these muscles, you can perform more effectively in a variety of daily tasks and lower your risk of accidents brought on by underdeveloped arm muscles.

4. Enhancements in Athletic Capabilities

  • Athletes can alter their game with powerful triceps. In many sports, including tennis, basketball, and martial arts, strong arm and pushing actions are crucial.
  • By using their triceps more efficiently, athletes can get an advantage over their rivals by enhancing their ability to apply force and maintain control. Your ability to block an opponent's attack or swing a racket can be greatly affected by having strong triceps.

5. Injury Avoidance

  • A variety of injuries, particularly those affecting the elbow and shoulder, can be attributed to weak triceps. By making these muscles stronger, you can lessen the chance of shoulder injuries by stabilizing the shoulder joint. 
  • Furthermore, having strong triceps helps avoid problems like tennis elbow and golfer's elbow by supporting the elbow joint better. 

6.Versatility in Workouts

  • Triceps workouts offer a wide range of exercises and variations, making it easy to incorporate them into your fitness routine. Whether you prefer using free weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises, there's a triceps exercise to suit your preferences and fitness level. 
  • This versatility allows you to continually challenge and stimulate your triceps, ensuring consistent progress in your fitness journey.

Anatomy of Triceps Workouts

There are three heads on the triceps brachii:

1.Long Head: 

  • The longest of the three heads, the long head is found on the rear of the upper arm. It starts from the scapula and descends all the way to the elbow.

2.Lateral Head: 

  • The lateral head, which is located on the outside of the upper arm, is what gives the triceps their rounded shape. It comes from the bone of the humerus.

3.Medial Head: 

  • The smallest of the three heads, the medial head is located deep below the long and lateral heads. It comes from the humerus bone as well.

The three heads of the triceps work together to extend the elbow joint, making them a crucial muscle group for both common daily tasks and different sporting actions.

Week 2 Triceps Workout Plan

1.Triceps Stretch

The triceps, often overlooked in favor of their more glamorous neighbor, the biceps, play a crucial role in achieving strong and well-defined arms. Incorporating triceps workout into your fitness routine can not only help you achieve those toned arms you desire but also improve your overall upper body strength. Among the many triceps exercises, the triceps stretch stands out as an effective move that targets and tones these muscles.

The Triceps Stretch: Proper Form and Technique

The triceps stretch is a simple yet highly effective exercise that requires minimal equipment and space. Here's how to perform it with proper form:

Step 1: Preparation

  • 1.Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • 2.Hold a dumbbell or a weight plate with both hands, positioning it behind your head.
  • 3.Ensure your grip is secure but not overly tight.

The Stretch in Step 2

  • 1.To get ready, take a big breath.
  • 2.Exhale and steadily raise the weight with your arms fully extended straight up toward the ceiling.
  • 3.Maintain a straight line from your hands to your shoulders while keeping your elbows near to your ears.
  • 4.For the best triceps stretch, hold this fully extended position for a brief period of time.
  • 5.As you drop the weight back behind your head to the beginning position, breathe in one more.
  • 6.Repeat as many times as necessary.

Tips for Proper Technique:

  • 1.To avoid arching your back during the exercise, keep your core steady.
  • 2.Avoid allowing your elbows stretch out to the sides and keep them pointing forward.
  • 3.Lift the weight slowly and without relying on momentum.
  • 4.Pick a weight that will work your triceps but also allow you to maintain perfect form.

Guidelines for Triceps Stretch Safety

Although the triceps stretch is generally risk-free when done correctly, safety must always come first to avoid harm. Observe the following safety advice:

Start with a Warm-Up: 

  • To lower the chance of injury, warm up your muscles before beginning any triceps exercise.

Use the right tools: 

  • Make sure the dumbbell or weight plate you're using is safe and in good shape.

Maintain Control of the Weight: 

  • Lifting a weight that is excessively heavy might put undue pressure on your elbows and shoulders.

Listen to Your Body: 

  • If you feel any pain or discomfort while performing the exercise, stop right away, check your technique, or seek the advice of a fitness expert.

Gradual Progress: 

  • As you feel more at ease, gradually increase the weight.

Recommended Sets, Reps, and Rest Times

The number of sets, reps, and rest times for the triceps stretch can vary depending on your fitness level and goals. Here's a general guideline:
  • Sets: 3-4 sets
  • Reps: 10-15 reps per set
  • Rest Times: Rest for 30-60 seconds between sets to allow your muscles to recover adequately.
Remember that these recommendations can be adjusted based on your individual preferences and fitness goals. If you aim to build muscle endurance, you can increase the number of reps with lighter weights. Conversely, if you're looking to build strength and size, opt for fewer reps with heavier weights.

2. One-arm Overhead Triceps Extension

A powerful exercise that targets and strengthens the triceps muscle group, boosting arm strength and definition, is the one-arm overhead triceps extension. In this adaptable exercise, the triceps are efficiently isolated by raising one arm overhead while carrying a weight or resistance band. 

It improves your functional strength while also enhancing the appearance of your arms. You may improve your total arm strength and establish a well-rounded upper body by including this exercise in your fitness regimen.

Proper Form and Technique

It's critical to have the proper form and technique in order to maximize the benefits of the one-arm overhead triceps extension while reducing the risk of injury. Follow these instructions to finish the task correctly:

1.Equipment and setup:

  • Choose a weight for the dumbbells that will allow you to maintain perfect technique while working your triceps.
  • To begin, take a seat on a bench or a chair with a back support. Ensure that the earth is solidly under your feet.
  • Raise your arms above your head while securely grasping the dumbbell in both hands with your palms facing upward.

2.Starting Position:

  • For stability, keep your back straight and contract your abdominals.
  • Your elbows should be near to your ears and the dumbbell should be held directly above your head.


  • Bending your elbow, slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head. Your upper arms should remain still.
  • Your forearm should be parallel to the ground or just a little lower when you lower the weight. Make sure the only joint moving is your elbow.
  • At the end of the movement, take a little pause.

4.Back to Original Position:

  • To return the dumbbell to the beginning position, extend your elbow.
  • As much as possible, maintain a motionless upper arm during the movement.
  • As you decrease the weight, inhale, and as you raise it again, exhale.

Safety Tips

To perform the one-arm overhead triceps extension safely, consider these essential tips:


Always begin your triceps workout with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles for the exercise.

Choose the Right Weight: 

Start with a lighter weight to get the form right before increasing the resistance.

Control the Movement: 

Avoid using momentum or swinging the weight; focus on a controlled, slow movement.
Spotter: If possible, have a spotter assist you, especially when using heavier weights to ensure safety.

Comfortable Seating: 

Use a stable bench or chair with back support to maintain proper posture during the exercise.

Avoid Overextension: 

Do not lower the dumbbell too far behind your head to prevent undue stress on your shoulder joint.

Sets, Reps, and Rest Times

  • The ideal sets, reps, and rest times for the one-arm overhead triceps extension may vary depending on your fitness level and goals. Here are some general guidelines:


  • Start with 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions per arm. Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets.


  • Progress to 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions per arm. Rest for 45-60 seconds between sets.


  • For those looking to build more strength and size, perform 4-5 sets of 6-8 repetitions per arm. Rest for 30-45 seconds between sets.
Remember, proper form and controlled movements are more important than lifting heavy weights. Gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable with the exercise.

3.Standing Overhead Cable Triceps Extension

A very efficient triceps exercise that targets the muscles in the rear of your upper arms is the standing overhead cable triceps extension. In this exercise, regulated arm extensions are performed while standing on a cable machine with a high pulley connection. This exercise is a favorite among those trying to sculpt their upper body and enhance arm strength since it isolates and intensely engages the triceps while strengthening and defining the arms.

Proper Form and Technique

Correct execution of the standing overhead cable triceps extension is necessary to reduce injury risk and maximize muscle activation. Here is a thorough justification:

1. Set Up:

The upper pulley of a cable machine needs to have a rope handle attached to it.
Hold the rope with both hands pointed in the direction of the machine and your palms touching.
Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart to improve stability.
2. Starting Position:
Your abs ought to be firm and your back ought to be straight.
Your upper arms should be parallel to the ground and your elbows should be close to your head.
For balance, make sure your feet are firmly planted on the ground.

3. Execution:

Start the exercise by pushing the rope down toward the floor while extending your elbows.
Throughout the entire workout, keep your upper arms still.
At the bottom of the exercise, squeeze your triceps while fully extending your elbows.
Take a moment to pause and feel your triceps contract.

4. Return:

Bend your elbows and bring the rope back to the starting position slowly to reverse the process.
Continually exercise control while moving in all directions.

Safety Tips

Always put safety first when following an exercise program. When safely executing the standing overhead cable triceps extension, keep the following in mind:


  • Prior to undertaking any action, your muscles should always be sufficiently warmed up.

2.Pick the Right Weight: 

  • Opt for a weight that pushes you while letting you keep your form. Avoid using weights that are too heavy since they could affect your form.

3.Steady Stance:

  • Retain your feet firmly planted on the ground to retain a stable stance and prevent rocking or swaying.

4.Control the Movement: 

  • Avoid using momentum to lift the weight. Focus on the controlled contraction and extension of your triceps.

5.Avoid Overextension: 

  • Do not hyperextend your elbows at the bottom of the movement, as this can strain your joints.


  • Exhale as you push the rope down and inhale as you return to the starting position.


  • If you're lifting heavy weights, consider having a spotter nearby to assist you if needed.

Times for Sets, Reps, and Rest

Depending on your fitness level and goals, the ideal number of sets, reps, and rest intervals for the standing overhead cable triceps extension can change. Here is a general rule of thumb:


  • Begin with 2-3 sets of 10–12 repetitions. Between sets, take a 60-90 second break.
  • Aim for 3–4 sets of 8–10 repetitions for intermediate exercises. Between sets, take a 45–60 second break.


  • Complete 4-5 sets of 6–8 repetitions. Between sets, take a 30- to 45-second break.
  • To make the workout more difficult and encourage muscle growth, you can gradually raise the weight and decrease the rest periods as you advance.

4.Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

The Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension is a very efficient triceps-targeting exercise that can help you build strong, toned arms. Lifting a dumbbell overhead and extending your arms engage the triceps muscular group in this compound action. 

It's a preferred option for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts to develop upper arm strength and definition. This exercise can help you achieve amazing triceps development and improve the overall appearance of your arms.

Proper Form and Technique:

1. Equipment Preparation:  

  • Preparing Your Equipment Pick a starting weight for the dumbbells. The ideal weight is one that challenges your triceps while yet enabling you to do the exercise properly. 
  • Grab the dumbbell with both hands, palms up, and hold it vertically above your head.


  • Use a back-supported bench or stand to maintain stability. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart for balance.

3.Engage Your Core: 

  • To maintain your spine steady as you complete the exercise, tighten the muscles in your core. lesser back pain will be at a lesser risk as a result.

4.Elbow Position: 

Your forearms should be parallel to the ground and your elbows should be bent so that they point forward. You are starting from here.


  • Slowly lower the dumbbell behind your head by bending your elbows. Keep your upper arms stationary, and ensure your elbows remain pointed forward. 
  • Your forearms should move in an arc, extending your elbows as far as possible to feel the stretch in your triceps.

6.Full Extension: 

  • Extend your elbows to return the dumbbell to the starting position, fully contracting your triceps at the top of the movement. Avoid locking out your elbows to maintain tension on the triceps.


  • Inhale as you lower the dumbbell and exhale as you push it back up.


  • Perform the exercise with controlled, deliberate movements, avoiding any jerking or swinging.

Safety Tips:

1.Start Light: 

  • If you're new to the exercise or unsure of your strength, begin with a lighter dumbbell to prevent straining your muscles or joints.


  • Always warm up your triceps and upper body before diving into this exercise. A few minutes of light cardio and some dynamic stretching can help.


  • If possible, have a spotter to assist you in case you need help with the dumbbell.

4.Watch Your Head: 

  • Be mindful of the dumbbell's path to avoid hitting your head during the movement.

5.Control the Weight: 

  • Maintain control of the dumbbell at all times. Losing control can lead to injuries.

Sets, reps, and rest intervals: 

  • Depending on your fitness level and objectives, different numbers of sets, reps, and rest intervals may be used:


  • Begin with 2-3 sets of 10–12 repetitions. Between sets, take a 60-90 second break.


  • Increase the reps to 3–4 sets of 8–10 each. Between sets, take a 45–60 second break.
  • Aim for 4-5 sets of 6–8 repetitions for advanced exercises. Between sets, take a 30- to 45-second break.
Make sure you're keeping perfect technique and utilizing a weight that pushes you to perform your desired number of reps. As you get stronger, gradually add more weight to the exercise.

5.Straight bar pushdown

Because it is an extremely effective triceps workout, the straight bar pushdown is a staple of many strength training and bodybuilding routines. Using a cable machine with a straight bar attachment is necessary to target the triceps muscles in the upper arms. 

By isolating them, the triceps are bolstered, expanded, and given additional definition. Whether your objective is to increase your athletic performance or gain muscle, the straight bar pushdown is a crucial exercise to have in your fitness repertoire.

Proper technique and form:

For the Straight Bar Pushdown to successfully target the triceps while lowering the risk of injury, precise form and technique must be used. To guarantee you're doing things correctly, follow these instructions:


  • Affix a straight bar to a cable machine's high pulley.
  • Standing with your back to the machine, take the bar in an overhand hold with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • For stability, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your knees slightly bent.


  • Throughout the movement, keep your core tight, shoulders back, and chest up.
  • Your upper arms should not move, and your elbows should stay close to your sides.


  • By extending your elbows until your arms are fully stretched, push the bar downward while exhaling.
  • Aim to contract your triceps at the movement's base.
  • To finish the repetition, try to avoid using too much body swing or momentum.


  • Breathe in as you bend your elbows and gently raise the bar.
  • Keep the bar under control throughout the whole range of motion.

Safety Advice:

Any workout should always be performed with safety as its first concern. The following are crucial safety advice for the straight bar pushdown:


  • To improve blood flow to your muscles and lower the chance of injury, always start your workout with a proper warm-up.

Use the Correct Weight: 

  • Decide on a weight that tests your triceps without compromising good form. As you advance, gradually increase the weight.

Avoid Jerky Movements: 

  • It's important to move with control and grace. Injury might result from using momentum or swinging the bar.


  • Having a spotter or training partner is a good idea when lifting high weights to help you and ensure your safety.

Times for Sets, Reps, and Rest:

Depending on your objectives, different sets, reps, and rest intervals may be best. Here are some suggestions to bear in mind:

Building muscle and strength

  • 3 to 4 sets.
  • 6–10 repetitions total.
  • Between sets, take 1-2 minutes to rest.

Strength and Tone:

  • 2 to 3 sets
  • 12–15 repetitions total.
  • Rest: between sets of 30 to 60 seconds

Muscle Meaning:

  • 3 to 4 sets.
  • 8–12 repetitions total.
  • Between sets, take 1-2 minutes to rest.

6.Diamond Pushup

Diamond pushups, a potent triceps workout, are a challenging variation of the classic pushup that specifically target the triceps brachii muscle group. This exercise gets its name from the hand placement – forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers beneath your chest. 

By engaging the triceps more intensely than standard pushups, diamond pushups are a fantastic addition to any fitness routine, helping to sculpt and strengthen the upper arms while enhancing overall upper body strength.

The Anatomy of the Diamond Pushup

Before getting into the specifics, let's take a closer look at why the diamond pushup is so successful for developing the triceps. The triceps brachii, a muscle on the back of your upper arm that stretches your elbow joint, is the focus of this Triceps workout. 

Due to the fact that it also very slightly stimulates the shoulders and chest, it is a challenging exercise that can assist to increase general upper body strength.

Proper technique and form

Maintaining good form and technique during diamond pushups is essential to maximizing their health benefits and lowering their risk of injury. To perform a diamond pushup correctly, follow these steps:

1.Starting Position:  

  • Place your hands in a typical pushup stance, close together, with your thumbs and index fingers making a diamond shape. Your body should be in a straight line from your head to your heels, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders.

2.Lowering Phase: 

  • You can lower your body by bending your elbows. Keep your elbows close to your torso throughout the entire action. Bring your chest as close to your hands as you can without touching them.

3.Pushing Phase: 

  • Raise your body back up to the starting position by extending your elbows. Be cautious to contract your triceps throughout the workout and maintain a straight line from your head to your heels.


  • Exhale as you push yourself back up after lowering your body.


  • Perform the necessary number of repetitions with proper form.

Safety Advice

The following advice should be kept in mind when practicing diamond pushups to maintain safety and prevent strain or injury:


  • To get your muscles ready for the workout, always warm up your upper body with dynamic stretches or easy movements.

2.Start Slowly: 

  • If you're not familiar with diamond pushups, start with a modified variation, such knee pushups, until you gain the necessary strength to complete the normal variation.

3.Keep Your Core Muscles Active: 

  • To keep your body in a steady position throughout the workout, keep your core muscles active.

4.Avoid Overextension: 

  • To reduce undue strain on the joint, don't lock your elbows at the height of the movement.

5.Pay attention to your body: 

  • Stop the workout right once if you feel any pain or discomfort. If you're unsure, speak with a healthcare provider or fitness expert.

Sets, Reps, and Rest Times

The number of sets, reps, and rest times you should follow depends on your fitness level and goals. Here are some general guidelines:


  • Start with 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions. Rest for 60-90 seconds between sets.


  • Aim for 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions. Rest for 45-60 seconds between sets.


  • Challenge yourself with 4-5 sets of 15-20 repetitions. Rest for 30-45 seconds between sets.
Remember that progression is key to seeing continuous improvements. As you get stronger, gradually increase the number of sets, reps, or reduce your rest times.

Progression and Tracking

Progression and tracking are crucial components of a fruitful fitness journey when it comes to triceps workout. Monitoring your progress is essential for getting the best results, whether your goal is to tone your arms, gain strength, or both.

1.Setting Clear Goals:  

  • Tracking your triceps workout progress enables you to set specific, attainable goals. Having clear goals gives motivation and direction, whether it's for lifting larger weights, doing more repetitions, or enhancing endurance.

2.Measuring Success: 

  • It might be difficult to tell whether your efforts are successful without tracking. You may notice real results from your triceps workout and modify your routines as necessary by regularly tracking your progress.

3.Preventing Plateaus: 

  • Progression ensures that you continuously challenge your muscles, preventing plateaus and promoting consistent growth. Over time, you'll find yourself achieving new milestones and surpassing previous limitations.

4.Workout Efficiency: 

  • Tracking helps you identify which triceps exercises are most effective for you. You can tailor your routines to prioritize exercises that yield the best results.


  • Keeping a workout journal or using fitness apps adds an element of accountability to your fitness regimen. It encourages you to stay consistent and committed to your triceps workout plan.

Cool Down 

It's crucial to gradually shift from a condition of high-intensity exertion to a state of relaxation after an intense triceps workout. A properly conducted cool-down routine helps to avoid muscular soreness and speeds up recovery. Include the stretching exercises shown below to focus on the triceps and other large muscular groups:

1.Triceps Stretch:

  • Raise one arm in the air.
  • Reaching your hand down your back while bending your elbow.
  • Use the hand on the other side of your bent elbow to gently press.
  • Switch sides after 15 to 30 seconds of holding.

2.Shoulder Stretch:

  • Bring your right arm across your chest.
  • Use your left hand to gently pull your right arm closer to your chest.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch sides.

3.Chest Opener:

  • Interlace your fingers behind your back.
  • Straighten your arms and lift your chest.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds.

4.Standing Quadriceps Stretch:

  • Grab your right ankle behind you with your right hand.
  • Keep your knees close together and push your hips forward.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch legs.

5.Standing Calf Stretch:

  • Place your hands on a wall or sturdy surface.
  • Step one foot back and keep it straight.
  • Lean forward, bending the front knee.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds and switch legs.
Spending just a few minutes on these stretches will lower your chance of experiencing tightness and soreness in your muscles and help your body recover more quickly. Your triceps workout will leave you feeling rejuvenated and prepared for your next fitness challenge if you properly cool down.

In week 2 of your triceps workout journey as a gym beginner, you've made significant progress. You've built upon the foundation from week 1 and started to challenge your triceps muscles further. Consistency and proper form remain key. Remember to gradually increase weights and maintain a balanced diet for optimal results. Keep pushing yourself, and in no time, you'll notice increased strength and definition in your triceps. Stay motivated and keep up the great work!

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